Actresses whose looks faded fast

Who were very good looking in their early twenties but not any more although they are still under 40.

Like Sarah Jessica Parker and Renee Zellweger.

Sarah Jessica Parker is 45.

Wrong on two counts.

Sarah is over 40 and Renee still has it.

*bluethree, only 41 (3/25/65).

In nemminie’s defense, SJP’s looks faded years ago. I remember the first season of Sex & The City, when she was 33, that she looked like a crack whore.

Also, Renee was sort of cute in *Jerry Maguire * (when she was 27), but it all went downhill from there.

I consider both of them to be knockouts. But then, I think women in their 40s are generally prettier than the really young ones, anyway. They’ve lost the roundness and sort of grown into their bones.

Helen Hunt. She went thin and fashion-victim in such a big way that I suspect her of harboring an eating disorder.

I think Barbara Payton holds the top honors for this.

I’m guessing the picture at the top of that link is circa early 1950s (she was born in 1927, so she’d be around 25ish here).

Scroll down to the last picture - caption says it was taken 2 or 3 years before her death. She died in 1967 - aged 39. So she was around 35-37 in that picture.

A sad, sad story all around.


Recent pictures of Brigit Bardot have been frightening.

Wiki Article
She was recently in the news about something ( animals, I am assuming) and the picture was less than flattering.

Christina Applegate. She looked awful in Anchorman. Maybe it was the cheesey seventies-style lighting that did it to her or maybe they were just catching her from bad angles, but her face looked puffy, baggy and splotchy.

What is she now, 40?

Lissa you stole my answer! Christina Applegate looked like crap - I almost wonder if she had some bad plastic surgery or something. She is 34, almost 35, so I guess she would’ve been 32 or 33 when that movie was made? She looked 10 years older.

Are you kidding Sarah Jessica Parker is a knockout especially considering her age and if you ever see pics of her as a teenager she was kind of homely and geeky looking back then.

Adrienne Barbeau looks horrible now. The Olson twins look like walking skeletons.Hillary Duff is looking worse and she is abouy 15 years old.

Hilary Duff turns 19 this month

Also Christina Applegate. She was beautiful on Married With Children.

Gotta love a board where you can be beaten to a Barbara Payton reference, but I nominate her as well. One of the saddest Hollywood cases ever, along with Jean Seberg & Inger Stevens. Check out the awesome but obscure noir Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (Netflix has it) to see a stunning Barbara hold her own against James Cagney. :frowning:

It didn’t even take till she was 40, Wendy Richard (Miss Brahms) of Are You Being Served? went from a very attractive young looking dish in the early years of the show to looking decidedly middle-aged just a few years later.

Rachel Ward was absolutely gorgeous at age 26 or so in The Thorn Birds and Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid, but just eight years later in And The Sea Will Tell, she looked like her own grandmother…

Jennifer Beals. The hottest hottie ever to heat up the screen in “Flashdance.” Average looking in “Four Rooms.” Not sure what happened there.

I remember thinking SJP was very cute on “Square Pegs”, and also in “L.A. Story”. Now, not so much. Too many angles in her face or something. Plus, my wife has never thought much of SJP and watching reruns of “Sex in the City” she has convinced me that she is “not pretty”. And I wonder what I was thinking about Renee Zellwegger. She looks horrid now. I remember being all abuzz after seeing “Jerry Maguire”.