Should I go to this job interview?

I have been very vocal about the insecurity of the lab I work for. Just as a recap: The Department Head took a job in Canada. When he leaves in six months or so, a lot of funding is lost and internal politics will change. Right now, my boss - who colaborates with the soon to be ex-DH - has no funding lined up for 2007. He has sent in a bunch of grant applications, but we won’t know the results for several months.

Before leaving for a two week vacation, I sent my resume to another lab that was looking for a mouse person. I am very much a coward; my thought was that if the lab sent me a rejection, I wouldn’t know for awhile. This plan bit me in the rump: The lab called me the day I sent my resume. :eek: I told them that I was going to be out of town for awhile, and they said that they’d give me a call when I got back.

I shrugged this off as a loss. Why interview someone who turned you down the first time?

They called me today! “Are you interested in an interview on Thrusday?”

:eek: :smack: :eek: :confused:

Should I go to this interview? Or should I go with my instincts and hide in the nearest hole in the wall?

Why hide? Go to the interview!

The worst thing that can happen is that they’ll offer you a job!

Go on the Interview. The worst that will happen is they will not offer you the job. If they do offer you the job, you still get to make the decision. Go on the interview, be prepared and hope for the best.

Good Luck,

Go for it!

Go go go!!
Unless you are really planning on staying where you are AND going to the interview could screw that up, then go.

The worse that could happen is you get some practice with interviewing, you feel a little uncomfortable, and you don’t get a new job. All around, no loss.

Yup, do the interview. Tell yourself it’s just for practice if that helps with the nerves. If they take you captive and torture you or something, Oakie will come kick their asses for ya.

Yes you should go. Inteviewing is a skill, and if you really do lose your job you will need to practice. Practice will help you get over the fear. And you might get the job, then you could stop worrying.

Yeah, what they said. I’ll interview even if I don’t want the job just to keep from getting all wound up about the things. Who knows, they just might offer enough to make it worthwhile.

Thanks Oakminster!

I went ahead and agreed to the interview. First it was flying, now its a job interview. This must be my month for confronting fears. (Still terrified of flying though.)

That would be nice. :cool: I don’t think I could get much of a raise in pay. A research assistant/animal manager without a degree is very rare. The University uses the “no BS” to give me a line of BS about paying me less than someone with no experience and a degree. We’ll see.

Good Luck and Let us know what happens.

Since (IIRC) you said in the previous thread that you are close to completing your degree, you can try to convince them that they should pay you as thoiugh you already have that degree, from the get go.
Worst possible outcome, they say “no” and offer you roughly the same as you’re getting already… and you’re (at worst) one interview wiser.

***GO ***for it! And don’t forget to come back and report :slight_smile:

Yes, go.

They want you badly, baby. You have hand here. From what you’ve said on the Boards before, it sounds like you know your job backwards and forwards, and would be a valuable asset anywhere you choose to work. Don’t be afraid to go into the interview with that attitude.

I’m 12 credit hours from my degree. You’re right. Trying to get a higher salary is worth a shot.

I’m just a weenie. I like the lab I work for, but our current state of limbo is frustrating. (And common in research. sigh Every lab I have worked for has hit some sort of funding shortage, but this one is pretty bad.)

Right now my head is spinning. * I need to get a hair cut. What should I wear? Can I lose 20 pounds by Thursday? What do I tell my boss and co-workers about being dressed up and gone for a few hours?*

Yep, I’m a great big weenie.

The employer may have some sort of tuition assistance deal to help you finish that degree…

Thank you very much featherlou. At work, I feel very comfortable. This has been my life for almost six years. I have worked hard to become good at what I do. Sadly, the moment my lack of formal education comes up, my confidence falls like the temp before a snowstorm.

Why wouldn’t you go. You’re 12 credits off of completing your degree. Look at it this way, what do you have to lose?

Worse case scenario, the interview goes badly, you don’t get the job, and you are no worse off than before.

Like everyone else said, GO! You’ll do fine.

Best of luck.

The University has a tuition waiver offer for us employees. The stipulations are hard on someone trying to get a degree: you can only sign up for courses the first day of classes, you can’t get on a wait list for a full course, you can’t appeal to the professor to let you into a full course, and the class subject has to be related to your work.

This semester I used the waiver because I was denied financile aid. Its tough. I get the idea behind it: let the paying students get in before the employees.

I say go for it…
I mean, it’s not like you’re taking the job already, you’re just wanting to let them know about you and learn a little about them. What could it hurt?


Also, not to double post like I always do, but yeah, my google ads are for the removal of pubic hair…what does that have to do with Mouse_Maven’s lab?
Just curious
