Secrets you might as well share now

Surely there was somebody in your past who swore you to secrecy and you have kept that promise all these years but now it seems pointless not to reveal the secret just to get it off your mind.

This could be a “moot secret” for many reasons:

  1. That person and all his/her relatives are dead
  2. The secret is common knowledge now
  3. You were drunk at the time
  4. You had your fingers crossed
  5. You weren’t under oath
  6. You just can’t help yourself

C’mon. Tell us your secret.

Shouldn’t you be going first?


My brother is going to propose to his girlfriend in August at the lake house.

August 2006, that is.

Good. Now don’t you feel better? :wink:

She thought she was pregnant. But she wasn’t. 12 years ago.

The “other bloke” that Chris’s girlfriend Jess spent the night with was me. Sorry, Chris. :slight_smile:

When they were suitemates in our sorority house, Sarah put the moves on Stacy one night when she was drunk. Stacy turned her down, and that’s the real reason she switched rooms halfway through the semester in 1997.

My good friend thought he might have cancer, since he was showing all kinds of “signs” of it. That was in 1993. He didn’t have it.

My best friend is gay.

My other best friend is gay.

My best girlfriend is a lesbian.

Gord is none of the above.

My [ex] boyfriend’s mother lost $10,000 gambling.

My co-worker is having an affair with the forklift driver.

Stalker boy’s mother is a lesbian and in a very long, very secret relationship with another co-worker. As far as I know, that’s still a big secret, but it’s one of those “everybody knows except her husband” secrets. So, if father of stalker-boy is reading this, I’m sorry, but your wife is a lesbian.

My cousin had an affair with my supervisor’s husband. I hate keeping that one a secret, but it’s none of my business. So there, it’s out. It happened years ago and everybody seems to think things are just hunkydory, and I’m not one to break up a marriage over what appears to be a mistake, but goddamn, I loathe that particular cousin of mine. For more than just this one reason, though, so until I can sort blind rage apart from facts, I remain mostly mum about it all.

I ate the pudding. I wanted to see if saying “honest to God” was going to strike me dead or pull the truth out of me. I was a Catholic-raised 11 year old, and I wanted to see if what my mother told me was true. It wasn’t. I lied and I’m still okay today. But that means I was lied to, as well. But… that’s okay. Knowing that helped a lot.

But I did eat all the pudding. It was pretty sweet. :slight_smile:

The rest of my secrets are still current. Ask me again in a ten years or so, which is the approximate expiry date on most of them.

Funny, I want to contribute to this thread, but I just can’t. I typed out all the secrets entrusted to me by people with whom I am no longer friends and even hit the preview post button, but just couldn’t do it. I guess there’s a reason people tell me all their deepest darkest shit. Besides the whole “who am I to judge, look at the shit I’ve done” thing.

Interesting read so far, though. Anyone ever go to postsecrets dot com? My daughter loves that site. Once on myspace, someone (a teenaged friend of my daughter) did one of those “fill in your secret” bulletins. It really made me sad reading the crap that these kids (and maybe some adults, it was all pretty much anonymous) are living with – it’s tragic.

I don’t like being “the keeper of the secrets” and often tell people that while I will let them tell me their secrets, I won’t listen. I just don’t like knowing things for the most part. :frowning:

Since they’ve been married 10 years with no other occurances, I guess it’s ok to tell that my best friend cheated on her fiance when we were on vacation together in Florida. With a deck hand off a freighter.

A gave D a BJ that’s why the two of them broke up. Because “Jesus was in the room with them.”

D and J slept together. Unprotected, 'cause she’s a Catholic and all. And now she thinks everyone knows and he’s so afraid she’s pregnant because she said something’s wrong but she won’t tell him what and OMG he’s only eighteen, is he going to have to get married? How are they going to raise the kids if she’s Catholic and he’s Jewish?

Ten years ago. She wasn’t.

That time they asked the entire school who stole James Oates’ watch? It was me who stole it. And then I smashed the watch up because I was too ashamed to keep it. Don’t know why I did’t just leave it in his desk or something.

Phew, that feels better.

I shot the deputy.


I’ve been pregnant five times since I was sixteen years old. Some ended naturally, some not. I have miscarried alone in an ER waiting room and no one was the wiser, except for the doctors and nurses that cleaned me up afterwards.

Adolfo knew the gun they found in the closet was loaded. He was just too young, stupid, and messed up on Rosie’s Dad’s liquor to realize the consequences of not telling her. He told me he felt enormously guilty, but not enough to take whatever responsibility the truth might require.

circa 1974

I knew about an ex’s infidelities because I snooped around her room looking for exactly that info. When it hit the fan, I was unable to “provide a cite” although I knew the truth. So I looked like a jealous paranoid bastard which she used to her advantage.

My mother has smoked for the last 15 years, despite having “quit” all those years ago. The great aunt for whom this was an issue passed away in January, so the point is kinda moot.