What would cause tingling above my top lip?

Right in my mustache area, I have been getting really pronounced tingling. Almost like when your hand falls asleep and is starting to wake up again, you know that tingling you get then? But this is also a little painful taboot !

I have a stiff neck, degenerative disc disease in my back and two ruptured vertebre, but that’s in my lumbar spine and I am taking no medication.

I’m not looking for a diagnosis or advice, just some ideas so I can do a search maybe. I will be going to a doctor for this within the month.


What comes to my mind is either Bells Palsy or The Herpes.

Yeah, cold sore, AKA herpes.

[sub]I am not a doctor, I just play one online.[/sub]

A brain tumour could do it.

Do you happen to have a cell phone taped to your face?

Are you in the middle of shaving with an electric razor?

It’s not a toomah.

Really? Cuz I have been having localized sharp pains in my head for a few months now. MRI or CT scan time

Could it be something you ate?

Holy crap, I think I would choose the the herpes over the brain tumor.

That’s the trouble - you don’t get to choose. And that’s why asking a bunch of random strangers on the internet isn’t a particularly good substitute for asking a trained doctor.

Yes, a brain tumour could do it. Do I think that’s very likely? No, not at all. But IANAD, so I can say anything I like.

Naw, she looked clean.

My lips tingled just before they blew up to four times their normal size in like 30 seconds. Any part that has an allergic reaction often tingles. You won’t figure out what your tingling means without a doctor, unless you puff up like a balloon.

IANAD - But my my internist said sharp pains on the scalp or seemingly in your brain are usually nerves from your spine affecting the top of your head.

Meditation-style deep breathing sometimes brings a tingling to the upper lip, but I not to a painful degree.

Did you remember to wash the wasabi out of your moustache after lunch? :wink:


Headaches from brain tumours aren’t usually sharp or localised. They’re caused by raised intracranial pressure which would also cause nausea, and they’re more likely to occur in the mornings.

You’d also likely have other symptoms.


If you’re concerned ask your GP to do a proper neurological examination before wasting money on scans.

Especially given the vagueness of the symptoms, I can’t see much useful coming out of this thread (aside from a few jokes). Your doctor will be able to advise you much better about what the possibilities might be. I’m going to close this thread.

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