Battlestar Galactica 4.9 - "Guess What's Coming to Dinner" (spoilers)

(see note on episode numbering)

Spoiler policy: If it’s been aired, or if it’s pure speculation about future events, no need for a spoiler box. If it’s from a future episode, as revealed in promotional materials or interviews, or if it’s speculation based on same, put it in a spoiler box, and label the box as to the general nature of its contents so we can better decide whether or not to take the risk of looking at it.


Glen Larson gave an interview last weekend in which he said Ron Moore contacted him and wanted to know more aboutPope Urban VIII.

New episode tonight.

Here’s the preview. Not very spoilery; indicates the discovery of Hera by one of the Sixes (maybe Natalie from the basestar? a good guess, based on the title), and a clash between the Six and Athena. Not a lot else given away in the video. However, the caption below the video reveals the A plot for the episode, and it looks to be a killer premise. Best not click if you’re sensitive about these things.

Okay, so. Obviously, the big event here will be the return of Starbuck with a broke-ass basestar full of untrusted toasters.

Questions and speculation:

The skin jobs will obviously have to be unaccompanied by chrome escorts, because all indications are, one look at Tigh et al. by one of the mechanicals will give away the whole Final Five business. The chrome jobs are staying behind, I’m guessing, partly because Adama won’t have one on the ship, and partly for narrative convenience. That card has yet to be played.

Starbuck’s coming back not with a route to Earth but with “allies” who can supposedly help. Any guesses how Adama and Roslin are gonna take that shiny happy piece of news? Does Helo get a commendation for pulling things together at the last minute, or a stern glare for the near disaster?

What’s Tyrol going to be doing among Baltar’s cult? Losing his mind in a total conversion? Or looking for an opportunity to interrogate the man about his Cylon insider knowledge? Or just to squash the false messiah’s head like a canteloupe?

What are the chances Anders volunteers to “stand watch” back on the base star so he can look for a chance to monkey with the Cylon control water?

Is that one mouthy pilot we met back on Demetrius gonna be this week’s recognizable redshirt?

Will Gaeta keep his leg? Or will he and Tigh get together for a new “Asymmetrical Officer” vaudeville act?

SciFi tonight. Be there!

I’ll put a new set of batteries in my remote for this one, I hazard a guess that my Mute button will be getting a workout, especially if the Pop-Tarts are involved

Hera is marginally tolerable, as long as she’s quiet, however Nicky “The Shrieker” Tyrol needs to be introduced to Mister Airlock, or at the very least, have his mute switch activated, maybe put him into Sleep or Hibernation mode

that said, I AM looking forward to the inevitable fallout when Starbuck and the Toasters (Band Name!) rendezvous with the RTF, after all, there’s doubt about Starbuck’s identity, is she a Meatbag, or Human, already, her showing up with a “Pre-Owned” BaseStar (with low finance rate and easy payments of $200 Cubits a month, warranty not included) full of Meatbags and Mechanicals won’t help her convince Adama and Roslyn that she’s really Human…

Er … not to flog a dead daggit, but I also meant to include the the spelling guide as a link in the OP.

I won’t belabor it. Just mentioning it, and moving on. :wink:

That looked like a dressed-up blond. Natalie is a brunette, who usually dresses more casually. I’m thinking it’s Caprica, from Galactica’s holding cell.

So say we all!

I think the hair color difference is coming from the different lighting on the base star versus the Galactica. Caprica’s hair is a bit more bleached and frizzy.

I’m really not afraid of the pop tart plot so long as 1) they don’t scream and 2) they don’t develop magical powers. I’ve noticed the only pop tart we’ve ever seen in the Opera House is Hera. Caprica, Baltar, and Roslin all seem to be connected, and committed, to protecting her based on that particular vision. At the end of last season we saw the Final Five looking down menacingly, or so we were led to believe, on Hera. With a pop tart of their own we have a dividing line between the five and the seven. It might be fun to take a look at common folklore involving antagonistic brothers to see if Ron Moore is drawing any inspiration from them.

A spelling guide. Great. :slight_smile:

I work all day, go to school all night and all I want is my BSG once a week and I get a syllabus to study. :wink:

A character guide would be cool, for those who can’t remember which character is which. Yeah, a “character guide” might be cooler than a “spelling guide.” I’d feel less like I were in 5th grade.

I agree, the Six in the preview doesn’t have the super-blond hair. That means the Basestar must have shown up at the fleet. Yay!!!

And rumor is, there’ll be a pop quiz on jump calculations at the end of the thread, too! :eek:

No!! I suck at wormhole theory! I haven’t even taken the prerequisites!

Hey, use it or don’t. I’m providing it merely for reference, in case people, y’know, want to get the names right, and stuff. If you don’t care that I’m chewing through my bottom lip every time I read “Tori” and “Balltar,” then please feel free to disregard. :wink:

Well that’s why I recommended “character list” rather than “spelling list.” :slight_smile:

What a Frakkin’ great opening, had me on the edge of my seat, when the Demetrius failed to jump, and only the Pre-Owned BaseStar™ appeared , my immediate response was…

Oh Frak, they’re boned!

nice CGI Spaceship Porn of Galactica’s weapon systems coming to bear and Viper assault fleet

…now, keep the Pop-Tarts in their foil packaging, and I’ll be happy :wink:

Yup, I’m edge of seat here. Much better ep so far than I was expecting! Lots of juicy info. Resurrection hub?

The Centurions seem to have a habit of dissapearing whenever the Five are around.

They’re going to the Robot Wash, to get a wash and wax, gotta keep up that shiny chrome look, y’know

Tigh: “Billions of skinjobs lose their bath privileges.”

Roslin: “You’re a charter member of his nymph squad.”

Great dialogue this ep. Felix, die already.

Anyone else waiting to hear Felix sing, “All along the watchtower”?

Heh, I just realized, my sister is a dead-ringer for Katee Sackhoff, they could be twins…or…cylons

Maybe I should check with her to see if she’s a Toaster :wink:

Whoa, nice Mindfrell ending there, this was a great ep, so the Quorum is on the BaseStar, and the BaseStar has just jumped to Science knows where…

this was a stellar ep, it was firing on all cylinders, it had suspense, drama, and great CGI Spaceship Porn

and it looks like in next week’s ep…

Tigh may be “coming out of the breadbasket”

Well that was unexpected…