Battlestar Galactica 4.7 - "The Road Less Traveled" (spoilers aplenty)

(see note on episode numbering)

Spoiler policy: If it’s been aired, or if it’s pure speculation about future events, no need for a spoiler box. If it’s from a future episode, as revealed in promotional materials or interviews, or if it’s speculation based on same, put it in a spoiler box, and label the box as to the general nature of its contents so we can better decide whether or not to take the risk of looking at it.


Did you all hear that Harvey Keitel signed on for a three-episode guest arc in the second half of season four? He’s going to be playingPope Urban VIII.
Okay. Tigh and Six are gonna frak. Tyrol’s losing his shit. Tory’s embracing her inner evil. Roslin’s on a mission from God(s) and is beginning to not care who gets in her way. Starbuck, revealing that her character really is conceived as a man, is driving around in circles and not asking for directions. And Baltar is Joan of Arc.

That about cover it?

Huh - the second time Baltar had a sit-down chat with a suicidal Cylon went a lot better than the first, didn’t it?


I did a bad thing tonight. Mrs. Plant asked, “do you really like this?”

“Well, they haven’t traveled at warp 10 and turned into lizards”, says I, “Or have somebody sneak aboard and steal a guy’s brain, then go after it controlling his body with a remote control that has three buttons on it.”

I am ashamed, and I wish the Chief and shot him, the wuss.

This felt like filler, but it did lay groundwork for future episodes and continue plot points from past episodes. Just what did the Agathons do with Hera? :confused: Clearly she’s not on the shit ship so I guess the creche ladies (I picture a group of old women running the creche) on Galactica are taking care of her. No Roslin, Adama, or Six this episode. In the preview for next week’s episode who else things it looks like Roslin pays a visit to Baltar’s house on Caprica? :wink:

[I answer this thread rather than the other simply because of the spoiler alert]

cp, you are too right. I knew it wouldnd’t happen, of course, but I soooo wanted Chief to just pop Baltar right then and there.

And I really look forward to the confrontation between him and Tory. Of course, I know it won’t be as violent as I hope.

In fact, I’d put a dollar on them frakking. Which makes absolutely no sense, of course - but the show’s clearly setting up Tory and Specialist Tyrol to frak, and so frak they will.

At the very least, he could have had a joy buzzer when they shook hands.

It seems to be a theme in BSG that a character makes a decision, does something rather violent about it and then someone shows him to be wrong about it.

Sweet Jesus I thought you were talking about Tyrol and Baltar. Don’t do that!

Athena was bugging me a llttle. Here a Cylon ship shows up, Leoben hops out and she’s got no useful information to add, and just stands there pointing a gun. The least Leoben could have done is say “hi” to her.

It’s nice to see Leoben again, and nice to know there were survivors from Cavil’s attack, so the Cylon civil war can theoretically continue.

Hey! Closing the other thread was tacky. Here’s what I was trying to post:

But not to give the Cylons directions to the fleet. I think jumping back to the fleet to ask for instructions from Adama is a great idea.

All the more reason to kill him on sight.
Interesting idea here. Assuming there is indeed a Cylon civil war; Is this Leoben from a side that truly wishes to ally with the Fleet?

  1. There is no war, it’s a trap.
  2. He is a good civil war guy, it’s not a trap
  3. He is a bad civil war guy, it’s a trap.

The odds are 67% that it’s a trap. I say knock Starbuck up the side of the head and run for home. Ask Adama what to do.

Where’s Admiral Akbar when you need him? :smiley:

Here’s what I posted in the other thread that carnivorousplant is responding to:

What controversial opinions can I offer about the show this week that we can argue about? Let’s see…

Is Galen Tyrol gonna have to choke a bitch? I wished that Tyrol had seriously injured Baltar. I was waiting for it, for that smarmy shit finally not to work on someone, but… no. The Chief has shaved his head and drank the Kool-Aid. Next thing you know he will be distributing flowers on the hangar deck. Baltar has charm that seems to work on everyone but Laura Roslin, thank god.

I can’t stand Athena and I think Helo is weak for giving in to her mutinous wishes. I understand that their kid is back on Galactica and they want to go back, but… their frakkin’ JOB is to follow Starbuck’s orders to find Earth. It seemed like Helo understood that but blood (or motor oil) is thicker than water, which seems to fly in the face of what the military chain of command is all about. Though we know how much respect Helo has for following orders.

I don’t get why everyone thought Matthias dying was proof of a Cylon set up. The Cylon ship was damaged. Why couldn’t that explosion have been accidental? Yes, Leoben is a mindfucker and I wish he’d be a little more forthcoming about what the hell Starbuck’s destiny is, but… in this case, I don’t see what earthly (ha!) reason he’d have for killing Matthias. Seemed like just a pretext for mutiny.

Is she Hillary Clinton, or what? :slight_smile:
She should have been rattling ball bearings around in her hand, like Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny. Whoa. Caine? [Kahn] Admiral Caine?[/Kahn]

Being TV with limited time, they usually don’t show things they don’t have too. They could, of course, be triple crossing us. :slight_smile:

Bill Clinton committed mutiny? Or maybe it’s time to go to bed because I didn’t get that reference.

I just do not like the Sharons. I guess I want to see where the hell Starbuck is going to wind up and am feeling her pain at being thwarted AGAIN. She is being depicted as having gone totally nuts, though. That just makes it more likely that she’s right.

Spoiler from preview:

Why does the hybrid keep saying that Starbuck is the Harbinger of Death? That does not sound encouraging. Anyone have any interpretations they want to offer?

The crack in the Cylon ship was all glowing and oozing and then Matthias touched it and BOOM. Was I supposed to get that it was a set up and I missed it? I honestly thought it was an accident.

My imaginary preview of the next episode:

Starbuck: “Leoben helped me paint some more stars in the mural on my ceiling. See, there are two more here and three more on the other side of the big three…”

Anders: “It reminds me of a … a shark.”

Starbuck: “We’re jumping to just beyond it…”

Sorry, man. My bad. :slight_smile:


It’s getting to the point where the episodes are feeling a bit like the later Wheel of Time books. Like, The Wheel of Time VI: Rand Gets a Haircut, or something.
WTF is happening?

I kinda cut last week’s episode some slack, but for fuck’s sake, virtually nothing has changed, even for all the changes. Baltar is a religious nut with an expanding cult… still. Saul Tigh is fucked up and trying to reconcile his humanity and his Cylon nature… still. Galen is fucked up and trying to reconcile his humanity and his Cylon nature… still. Starbuck is a bit nuts and her crew doesn’t trust her… still.

I mean, everything on the last two weeks that’s actually somehow new or moved the plot forward feels like it could’ve been fit into a ten minute webisode. And I’m an uber-fanboy… this shit is really started to get old.

Do the Vipers on Demetrius have jump capabilities? Could one of them be used for reconnisance to check out Leoben’s story?

Baltar seemed more self-assured or at peace. No sign of Mind Six and no whining or whimpering. Is he really changing and becoming less self-absorbed? During his talk with Tyrol in his quarters he said some ambiguous statements that could have meant he was a Cylon. It seemed as if Tyrol was looking at him wondering if that’s what he meant.

Only raptors are jump capable.

So, does Demetrius have a raptor?