Sometimes on dope...

i can’t tell if a poster is a guy or a girl,

and, yes, irl too

if moderators decide that title is banned, Please note: title references experiences with this message board only

You’re not alone, jessesheeran. I think I recall threads started just for the sake of reporting in as to whether posters were male or female. Have you tried asking?

I can’t tell either. But that’s just on dope. Booze doesn’t have the same effect.

You’re all lucky. Apparently, a number of people must think my user name is feminine and so they think I’m a female. I’m not, but I don’t really care enough to change my username.

Male here, if that helps.

Eh, people always assume I’m a guy unless I post something that makes me very obviously female.

Maybe we need to swap user names. I think Cazzle sounds girly, but I’ve been referred to as though I were male quite a lot of times over the years :confused:

I saw a poll on another forum and it showed that 85% of the people voting assumed that posters were male unless their name was clearly a female one. They attributed it to the fact that there were always so many more men than women posting on most forums that is was their default assumption. I’m not sure if that’s true or not although it’s been the case on most forums that I’ve spent time on. I like having to guess, and most of the time it doesn’t matter at all.

On the other hand, you can pretty safely assume that most everyone in your average chat room is male;


Redcoat42: I need to get a haircut

ChrisDF23: yeah, me too


ChrisDF23: Dude, I’m a guy


LONGHORN2213 has left the chat room

Does it matter?

(I’ll show you mine if you show me yours… giggity giggity)

Cucoorex, I gave up on chat rooms very quickly because of that. If you’re female the second you log on you get 15 PMs from lurking horny guys who all start the PM with ‘wt r u wrng?’ and it’s like getting mugged by idiots in the hallway on your way in. Annoying little PM boxes would open up as you were typing and you’d have to keep closing them to finish a sentence. Ugh.

well, i guess its not weird or important to know necessarily

but in that moment when you find out that you were wrong all along about so-and-so… it can send shivers, at least me… just a surprise i guess…
so this thread attracted at least some attention from girls, but this one didn’t. though it calls for the female perspective, albeit difficult subject…

Apparently not the title.

Yup. That’s why you should never post on dope.

I’m a short, busty African American woman with a bootylicious thick build and short temper who wears expensive German and Italian designer calf high leather boots, and writes calligraphy with a peacock quill.

That’s the mental image you need to have of me when responding.

Thank you for the vivid picture, astro. On that note, I think we can let this thread sink now.