Civilization IV Moding question

I would like to make all ships travel farther per turn in a standard game of civilization.

My experience with moding is limited and I’d rather just change only this one thing and not load up someone elses mod pack.

Any help would be appreciated.


I playing Civ 4 Complete which is Civ 4 plus its add-ones sold together as one game. The file you want to change is called CIV4UnitInfos.xml

The complete file path in my game where this file is located is:
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 4 Complete\Assets\XML\Units\CIV4UnitInfos.xml

Open your CIV 4 folder to reveal a window similar this Screeny 1. Open the following folders in this order:

  1. Assets
  2. XML
  3. Units

In the Units folder is several .xml files. Click on the one called CIV4UnitInfos.xml which will display this: Screeny 2.

To modify this file go to view in the taskbar and select Source. A window should appear: Screeny 3

Every unit in the game has its own section in the file so you will have to scroll down and change each unit movement points individually. The first ship you will come across is the Galley as shown in screenies 2 & 3. As you see the Galley is called “UNITCLASS_GALLEY” by the game. The other units are named the same way, “UNITCLASS_DESTROYER”, etc.

The units movement points are located which it says “<iMoves>2</iMoves>”. Change the number to whatever movement points you want that unit to have.

Save the file.

Scroll down the file changing each ships movement points one-by-one. Save the file after each change. Once all the changes you wanted to make have been completed close all the windows.

Start the game to find all the movement points changed. It works on your saved games so you don’t need to start a new game. :slight_smile:

I’ll give it a try tonight, thank you very much.

Lungfish, I followed the directions and I pretty sure I did it right, but I can’t seem to save the file. I think it will only allow me to save it as a TXT but doesn’t it need to be in XML format?

Everything is OK. The XML file can’t be changed unless it is in TXT format. (or by using a XML editor.) By saving the changed TXT file you change the XML. To see the changes you have made to the XML file you have to close the TXT window and the XML file. Open the XML file a second time and scroll down to where you made the changes.

When you start the game you will see the increased movement points for the units you have changed. The changes apply to all units, yours and the other factions.

I changed the movement points for the galleys from 2 to 4 in my game using the above method and played the game to verify that it works.

A good improvement when playing maps that have high water levels… :smiley: