Ok, so here’s where I lose interest in the singleplayer, non-internet game. It’s around 2000 AD or whenever most civilizations have flight and know each other. Sudden;y my game gets bogged down by me taking ONE SMALL turn and waiting 5 minutes while I see all the opponent moves that are visible to me. Is there any way to skip past this animation and get back to my turn? I tire quickly of 60 minute gaming sessions that give me 3 useless turns and a lot of waiting.
It’s been a while since I played Civ3, but I’m almost positive there’s an option that says something like “Show Opponent’s moves” or something very similar. You can also choose to ignore your units that are automated if I remember correctly.
Yes, you can turn off a lot of the animations. Smaller maps and fewer civilizations help. However, the biggest effect is from the computer itself. A game could easily take an entire weekend on a P3-450 but only 10 hours on an Athlon 1800+. What are your specs, blasphmer?
Go to the preferences section(right next the the civilopedia button in the game screen), and turn off the animations. Also, if you have an older machine then a faster processor might be the only option.
It’s not a slow machine FWIW. P3-900, 256RAM, GF2-GTS 32MB Vid CArd…
I’ll try turning off the computer animations.
Also, before you create a game you might consider using the option called “Accelerated Production”. It lets you build units and research techs faster so your overall game length is reduced.
Another trick you might want to try is going into your *.ini file(Civilization3.ini , PTW.ini, or Conquest.ini, depending on what you have), and adding the line:
This will keep the AI from randomly patrolling units that have nothing to do. It cuts a couple seconds off a turn on my machine.