Return of The Princess Bride Jedi??

Just watched Return of the Jedi again last night and was shocked!!!

When speaking to the emporer Darth Vader nods and says “As You Wish” not once but TWICE!!!

Dressed in all black… THAT phrase…

1949: John Paul Stapp (d.1999), an Air Force medical researcher, took a rapid sled ride under the direction of Capt. Edward Murphy to test G-force on the body. Murphy installed the sensors wrong and the test failed to provide results. **Murphy's Law is therefore born ** and attributed to Captain Edward A. Murphy Jr: "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in catastrophe, then someone will do it that way." "The Lone Ranger" premiered on ABC television , "Death of a Salesman" opened on Broadway, Siam changed its named to Thailand, apartheid begins in South Africa

NOOOOO - thanks for bringing it up dammit

I have been trying to block that out of my psyche for some time now

But now that you mention it - he is kinda … sexy… a man you could fall in love with…deep, …penetrating…mmmm voice… pity about that ongoing asthma problem though
dammit dpr

Unfortunately, Darth Vader is not as cute as Wesley. Or Dread Pirate Roberts, either.

Somehow it just doesn’t have the same FEEL to it…


mmm - kinda doesn’t have the same ring to it really

“Farm boy…fetch me that pitcher”
“As you wish”


“Evil Domineering Bastard…fetch me that pitcher”
“As you wish”


“Hello. My name is Luke Skywalker. You are my father. Prepare to die.”

And let’s face it Wesley was indeed very jedi-like.

Cool, suave, able to fight (albeit with swords rather than lightsabres), willing to go into a fortress against insurmountable odds for a loved one, spent time in a swamp…

1950: Disney’s Cinderella released, “Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard was first published, Korean war started, The comic strip "Peanuts," created by Charles M. Schulz was first published, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis was published

While fighting:
Darth: “Why are you smiling?”
Luke: “I have a secret.”
Darth: “What is that?”
Luke: “I am not left-handed.”


(“I do not think that means what you think that means.”)

looks around totally shocked

I… don’t know what to think…
Both of those movies rock though, so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and hope it wasn’t all a big ploy.

You just made soda-pop come out of my nose. Congrats. That doesn’t happen often. Very very funny.

Darth chops off Luke’s right hand…
Darth: You are now.

“Is that a Rodent of Unusual Size?”

“Why, no. That’s my copilot, Chewbacca.”

I am never going to check this thread while drinking!!! Dammit I just about painted my monitor with coke

“Han’s frozen in carbonite!”
“Don’t worry, he’s only mostly dead.”
I can just imagine the Princess Bride trilogy.

“Have fun stormin’ the Deathstar!”
“Think it will work?”
“It would take The Force.”

“Luke, are there meteorites ahead?”
“If there are, we’ll all be dead.”

“Jawas. Jawas are what bwings us togathah today.”

“You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war on Endor, and only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against Greedo, when death is on the line! Hahahahaha!”

“Ooooohhh! Knows so much, think you! Mostly dead, our friend, it so happens he is. Big difference, mostly dead and all dead between. Please open his mouth. Now, slightly alive, mostly dead is.”

“My blaster, his lightsaber and the Force against a hundred-thousand Stormtroopers and you think a little head jiggle is supposed to make me happy? Hmm?? I mean if we only had the top secret blueprints to the Deathstar that exposed its one fatal weakness that would allow a single pilot to destroy it with one shot, that would be something.”

Prince Humperdink: Let’s see now, how to start a war with Guilder. Hmmm… I could find some beautiful woman, order her to be engaged to me, get Florin to fall in love with her, have her kidnapped and murdered on the coast of Guilder, which would really piss people off… Oh, screw it. I’ll just blast 'em to hell with my Deathstar.

DocDaneeka formally apologizes to William Goldman, George Lucas, anyone else involved in any of the films, and all the people unfortunate enough to come accross this post.

Threepio: “Where am I?”
Luke: “The Pit of Despair!”
Threepio: “I must’ve taken a bad step…”

“Someone has bested an AT-AT…”

Leia: “They let us go… that’s the only explanation for the ease of our escape!”
Han: “Easy? You call that easy?!?”
Leia: “They’re tracking us!”
Han: “Not this ship, sister… just out of curiosity, why do you ask?”
Leia: “Oh, I just happened to look behind me and something was there.”

“Death cannot stop True Love… all it can do is make you more powerful than you can possibly imagine for a while.”

I can’t think of Darth Vader and “As You Wish” without “Make It So.”
And there were two Wesleys…

S. Morgenstern must be rolling over in his grave.

Well, there’s the Good Wesley and…the Evil Wesley.

But isn’t it actually Westley in Princess Bride anyway?

It could be…I read it in the original Yiddish.

I had soda coming out of MY nose and i’m not even DRINKING soda!!!

now THATS funny!