Oh....you're *that* stupid; got it (John Mayer's Playboy interview)

Ah, to be young and stupid again.

…discussing his sex life with Jessica Simpson…

…coming across as a naive racist while trying to show he can drop the n-word and describe how black girls don’t turn him on…

…and, irony of ironies, discussing how things didn’t work out with Jennifer Aniston in part because she was suspicious of his use of New Media and where it would lead…

He’s a solid guitarist when he isn’t lost in treacly pop crap, and I have thought of him as a decently self-aware and self-deprecating funny guy in some settings (his stuff with Dave Chappelle was pretty funny) - but this is just Tool time…

[quote=“WordMan, post:1, topic:528558”]

…coming across as a naive racist while trying to show he can drop the n-word and describe how black girls don’t turn him on…

where does he drop the n-word?

Next season on Tool Academy

[quote=“whole_bean, post:2, topic:528558”]

He mentions someone saying he had a “Hood Pass” and he related that if you actually had a hood pass, you could get away with calling it a n— pass, but that he doesn’t think he has that.

[quote=“RikWriter, post:4, topic:528558”]

If he truly had a pass, he would know how deeply stupid it would be to try. I still watch Quentin Tarantino in Pulp Fiction wondering what the hell he was thinking going off about “dead n***** storage.” The big, huge, stinking false note of that movie…

I didn’t even get what he meant. What IS a hood pass?

Wait is it wrong for black girls not to turn you on, or is it just using the n-word that is wrong? Because black girls don’t turn me on, but I only ever use the n-word (I mean nigger, not nincumpoop) when I want to make fun of black people and deride their culture. So am I racist or not, bunch of white people?

Edit: I’m joking of course, I know a couple of board members aren’t white.

Another edit: I am joking again, I don’t know that.

Another edit, but part of the previous edit:

“Sexual napalm.”

Band name alert!

I’m embarrassed that he’s from Connecticut. (New Jersey has Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra, and we have Michael Bolton and this clown.)

Link to entire interview

That’s actually one of the less tool-ish things he says, though.

You’re a racist.

It means that your blacks friends have told you you are cool and can hang with them, i.e., “you have a pass to hang in the 'hood”…

…which of course would immediately be revoked if you tried to talk about it that way, since you have just used them to somehow attempt to declare how cool you are.



He’s fine in the concept he is trying to share - i.e., he is not truly black and had to deal with racism, so a hood pass is never the real deal - but strutting out that line of thinking in a Playboy interview - AND using the N-word to do so - is bad form and supremely arrogant…as he himself is now saying to anyone who wants to hear him…

…on HuffPo there is a link to him apologizing at a concert last night, so he is apparently on an apology tour now…

“A Benetton heart and a David Duke dick”, huh? Wow.

Yeah, you’re probably a racist.

WRT to OP, John Mayer has been a huge douchebag for a long, long time. Good musician, terrible person. I don’t know why people pay attention to him.

Although I get everything is arrogant to somebody, I wonder how this specifically is very arrogant? Was it using the N-WORD or talking about it at all, or just talking about it in Playboy, or just saying N-!!! in Playboy?

I always thought he was a skeezy douche, anyway.

Terrible people are amusing. Why do you think so many people try to act like one?

He and Kanye need to be locked in a room together. Then whoever emerges can be pitted against the next arrogant douchebag to emerge on the music scene, and so on.

I don’t really see anything offensive in the first page that the OP linked to and I admittedly didn’t read the rest too thoroughly so maybe I’m missing the douchier parts. I’m not getting the racist vibe nor do I think he was as TMI as a lot of other interviews I’ve heard.

I had always heard he was a dick and just assumed it was true until I saw him on VH-1 Storytellers and I was really impressed. I found him funny and clever and perhaps a little on the arrogant side but I figure one as talented as he is entitled to a little self-congratulation.