RIP Jeanne Robinson

Jeanne Robinson, wife of SF author Spider Robinson and an author herself (Stardance), has died of cancer. She was 62. Hope that they will raise a few at Callahan’s in your memory.

Awww. Jeanne was a good person. Rest In Peace.

Damn, I feel sorry for her family. I met Mr. Robinson once, in East Lansing, Michigan, at a used bookstore. He was there for a book signing. I didn’t meet her, but the way he wrote about her makes her sound wonderful.

RIP, Ms Robinson, I’ll remember you to the folks at Callahan’s.

Sad. From their writings, Jeanne and Spider were as solid as Ginny and Bob.

Damn. Just. Damn.

Damn. :frowning:

Spider speaks:

How very sad for a couple with such great hearts.

Aye, good people and talented to boot.

I must not be typing loud enough when I yell at the universe to STOP TAKING ALL TEH COOL PPL ALL AT ONCE ALRDY K THX but I’m using all caps so I dunno what else I could do there.

Sounds like they were well prepared for this tho, and that she went as easily as possible. Death doesn’t have to be the worst of all possible fates, after all.



RIP, and blessings on her family.

Almighty ruler of the all
Whose power extends to great and small,
Who guides the stars with steadfast law,
Whose least creation fills with awe—
Oh grant Thy mercy and Thy grace
To those who venture into space.
— Robert A. Heinlein (1947) as part of his short story “Ordeal in Space”.

R.I.P. Jeanne. Condolences to Spider and family.

Dammit, why is she dead and all those nasty old bastards who’re busy buttfucking the entire planet into hell are still running around loose? Life, it is not fair. Poor Spider. :frowning:

Wow, this is sad news indeed. Spider has always been one of my favorite authors and you could tell from his writings how much he loved Jeanne.

The music, which the Admiral no doubt had in mind as he wrote it, can be head here (instrumental version) or here (a cappella vocalization without words).

Namaste, Jeannie! Once again you’ve gone on ahead to meet Virginia and set things up for Spider.

“I danced on a Friday when the sky turned black
It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back
They buried my body & they thought I’d gone
But I am the Dance & I still go on!” - Sidney Carter

Do not rest in peace, Jeanne. Rather, dance in joy, in that place where there is neither pain nor grief.

“I answer for Dahlquist!”