Why does my tongue taste funny?

So, I first noticed this on Tuesday at lunch. I’m eating my Tomato soup. The middle of my tongue tasted a bit alkaline, and the soup tasted like crap.

Tuesday’s dinner tasted funny, and all the food on Wednesday tasted funny.

Today I had a turkey sandwich for lunch, so I didn’t taste much weirdness. Still, though, my mouth tastes funny in that spot. There’s almost, but not quite, a tingle.

I haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary, but right now since I’m thinking about it, it almost feels/tastes like I’ve touched a really weak 9V battery to the center of my tongue.

What causes such weirdness?


Happy reading:


Have you started any new medications or changed brands of mouthwash lately?

Have you had pine nuts recently? They’ve been known to leave a bitter taste in the mouth that lasts for days in some people.

Don’t use mouthwash, and I only take 2 medications and I’ve been on them for over two months now.


Licked any clowns?

I had a tingling tongue recently. It also hurt. I thought some sharp tooth edges maybe hurt my tongue, but it turned out to be a symptom of vit B12 deficiency.

Does your tongue look any different?

Lot of things can cause it, many of them medical. I personally have a problem with migraines, when my tongue goes sorta numb. I become hypersensitive to bitter tastes. My favorite tamales tasted horrible.

Ooh. Vitamin B12 deficiency’s a good one, since my migraines were triggered by that. Well, that and coming off an antiseizure medication I took for anxiety (That’s what benzos are people. and migraines are miniseizures.)

Maybe it needs salt.

Sounds like Morgellons of the tongue.

Well, usually when I start noticing a metallic taste in my mouth, I’m pregnant, but that seems unlikely in your case.

Could you have bleeding gums?


Once you thought something tasted funny, you’ve been focusing on your tongue and sense of taste in an unusual way and noticing things that were probably there all along. Once you forget about it, everything will taste normal again.

Wait, what?

Benzodiazepines are also anticonvulsants, as they increase the effect of GABA, a natural neuroinhibitor. The current theory for migraines is that the electrical system in the brain destabilizes a bit, causing the electric signal to go to neurons it was not intended for, i.e., the same concept as a seizure, but on a smaller scale.

This causes a decrease in serotonin, which causes the blood vessels in the brain to dialate, causing the migraine pain. This is proposed for why GABA enhancers help with migraines, even the aura par.

A numb tongue is one of the withdrawal effects I’ve had from going off benzos, which is why I brought it up. I wanted to make sure neither of the two medicines were benzos, as that could be a sign of interdose withdrawal. And thus should mention that to a doctor.

I only mentioned it because I’ve already mentioned that I am detoxing off of benzodiazepines. After the hell I’ve been through (and am still going through), I’ve taken it upon myself to inform people of the problems any time I think it relevant to the conversation. Unfortunately, I was less than clear.

So, definitely not pine nuts? I just googled it with “battery” and found this:

And this:

I wanna know! I really was hoping this obscure bit of knowledge was going to pay off some day. :slight_smile:

Weird. It wasn’t so bad today…until I came back to this thread.

I’ll have to look into a B12 deficiency. I really haven’t done anything outside my normal routine lately. Although last week I spent some time shingling the roof of my daughter’s new playhouse.

And no, I didn’t lick any shingles. Or clowns. And no, no pine nuts. I don’t think I’ve touched them in about 15 years - and that was because a girlfriend at the time loved them. I probably only even touched the box.


Maybe you just need to scrape your tongue? Link

This probably wont help much, but maybe it’s your toothpaste. Toothpaste screws with my taste buds.