Karl's Disco Wiener Haven

Just because I’m feeling ornery and want to implant an earworm… (OK, just because I can’t eat a hot dog without thinking of it.)

Karl’s Disco Wiener Haven from Straight To Hell.

*Sizzle, they grizzle, you step up to the griddle
Salsa y Ketchup, you tell me and I’ll fetch up
K-A-R-L’s Disco Wiener Haven

Salsa y Ketchup!
Salsa y Ketchup!
Salsa y Ketchup!
Salsa y Ketchup!
Salsa y Ketchup!*

Thanks, Johnny.

Well they’re short and they’re long
and they taste quite strong

Strangely, I’ve never eaten a hot dog with salsa on it.

After having this song stuck on repeat my mind for two solid days, I woke up this morning earworm free. It was a wonderful couple of minutes before my wife said to me “that damn wiener song you’ve been singing all weekend is stuck in my head.”

A-R-L-S disco wiener haven

It worked! Muwahahahahahahaha!

I need to find a good hot dog.