Is this joke funny?

Q: Why did the Siamese twins move to Europe?
A: So the other one could drive.

Edit: Maybe it should be England. . .

It raised a slight grin on my face.

Sure. I mean, it’s not a knee-slapper, and it’s been around a while, but it’s smirk-provoking.

If by “funny” you mean tasteless, insensitive, and inappropriate in polite company, then yes.

Maybe not. In both Thailand and England, they drive on the left.

See? We fight ignorance in all kinds of strange little nooks and crannies around here. I would never have known this before.

:dubious: That’s a wee bit extreme. However, if I offended both of you I sincerely apologize.

“Both of you?” So you *are *drunk!



I was going to ask the same thing.

They’re two people, not one person with two heads.

I think you missed the joke there.

I just got back to the USA after a vacation in England, so yeah, I thought it was chuckle-funny.

Yes, making fun of the disabled is generally considered tasteless, insensitive, and inappropriate in polite company.

Don’t care.

See above.

The joke isn’t making fun of a disabled person.

I think there are probably a number of conjoined twins who’d be offended at being called disabled.

It’s OK in impolite company though, right?

Agreed. I mean, is ANY joke involving a disabled person making fun of them?

I would think Siamese twins would find that funny. Well, as funny as it is which is slightly humorous. Not knee-slapping as Leaffan said.

I bet it’s an even number!