Misfits (UK TV series) (no spoilers)

I stumbled on this at Hulu last night; never heard of it before. I watched one episode and was hooked.

It’s sort of a British take on Heros, though the difference is clearly marked by the difference in titles. The Misfits are five troubled kids in a community service program who suddenly get superpowers. Not exactly a new concept, but the characters and writing make it work: the kids all have bad lives and luck, and their powers (four of the five in the first episodes) actually tie in with their insecurities and fears. (One of the powers could never get by the comics code, nor network TV; the show is definitely rated R.)

It’s a very dark world they live in, and their powers, even the expected ones, are shown in ways that make them look different (in the first episode, of course, they are learning about them, and don’t know how to turn them on and off). The actual staging of them is different – we get inside the characters heads and see what they see instead of watching them do their thing.

The acting is first-rate. These are troubled kids and it looks like their superpowers are going to create issues and ramifications that will hurt them. It doesn’t look like there will be any saving the world, but they will be very busy trying to save themselves, since some of the things they did are already putting them in jeopardy. It also helps that the script is funny and smart.

Three episodes are up, and there will be a new one added each week. I guess there are two seasons in the UK, with a third on the way.

Watch the show and get blown away.

Brilliant show, I loved it. It’s kind of a cross between Heroes and Skins. I can’t really say anything more without giving away spoilers. Except maybe look out for Bruno :smiley:


Catch it if you can.

Great show, just finished the second series here.

Can’t wait for the third series.

ETA, sorry, just spotted the ‘no spoilers’ :smack:

Crude, but effective. I’m fascinated by how the third series may change the dynamic.

I’ve been really looking forward to this series- I’ve been quite upset that it’s taken so long to cross the pond. As the OP said, it’s on Hulu- a new episode every Monday, and they’re up to episode three now.

Such a great show, and it just keeps getting better, even though I have to strain to understand what the hell Kelly’s saying.

Saw episode two last night. Wow. Just wow. Nearly had me in tears.

I quite liked this show, but I always fear it loses people when it’s described as being about kids with super powers. The powers are such a small part of the show that you practically forget they’re there. They’re used as plot twists and drivers, on the same level as, say, relationships. It’s primarily a show about people. Those people also happen to have super powers, incidentally.

One of my favourite shows.

Nathan is simultaneously the most unpleasant and unlikable character, and at the same time, just quite sweet.

Of course, after series two, I have a new favourite male character.

Semi-resurrecting this, because we just watched the tattoo episode in series 2, and I’m totally blown away. We’ve burned through about 70% of the entire show’s run in a few days, so clearly we liked it from episode 1, but this one really impressed me above and beyond that! The writing and acting brought us to a very surprising place in a completely believable way.

I’m really looking forward to the rest of series 2, and I’m glad to see there will be another season, though (casting spoiler)Robert Sheehan, who plays Nathan, won’t be in it, which will change the whole dynamic.

I’ve been watching it weekly. Every single episode has something in it that astonishes me. I just finished the next to last episode of season two. There are two plot twists. One was obvious from the very beginning, but the second came completely out of the blue – and yet, when you think about it, it was clearly foreshadowed.

I agree on Nathan. He’s an utter dick, but still somehow charming.

Some shows manage a “wow” moment every few episodes. This has at least one – and often two or three – in every hour.

The problem is that you can’t really describe the show. Yes, the characters have super powers, but they don’t do anything that superheroes or villains ever do. What makes them so fascinating is that the powers are all tied in with the characters’ personalities, wishes, and desires.

Just out of curiosity, I watched the first series pirated at a friends house, and I was pleasantly shocked by some pretty substantial breastages on display in one episode in particuar. Is that edited out on the Hulu feed?

OK, I just have to ask for a spoiler box for this question. What is the power that wouldn’t get by the comics code? I haven’t seen the show, but might try it.

Alisha drives men into an uncontrolled sexual frenzy with any body contact .

She soon learns the downside of having this power.

The first time I saw this show I was like “Wait, what?”

Then I’ve watched more episodes, it’s growing on me very severely. Unfortunately we’re halfway through S2 on TV over here, so I’m caught between wanting to keep watching it (Just had the tattoo episode) and wanting to stop, go back and watch the first season, catch myself up and THEN go on watching it.

Nope, we routinely get full on naked thrusting, and a cunnilingus scene that I wonder if you’d even see on HBO. Not porn, but approaching Skinemax level simulated sex. Boobs are the least of it!

Absolutely love this show, and have recommended it to friends.

Its like a much darker “Alphas”.

We love it–just started watching it last week and are hooked. Nathan, I’ve decided, is Puck: a pleasure to watch, and holy Christ I’m glad I don’t have to deal with him in person.

Reviving this to say that the fifth (and final) season is now available on Hulu – one episode a week.