Milk Chocolate, Mr. Goodbar, Krackel, or Special Dark?

The receptionist has a dish full of the standard Hershey’s chocolate assortment: the standard milk chocolate, Mr. Goodbar (chopped roasted peanuts), Krackel (crispy rice), and Special Dark. You may only choose one. Which will it be?

I go for the Mr. Goodbar over half the time, and occasionally the Special Dark or the Krackel, depending on my mood.

I would go for the Goodbar if Hershey’s would change the chocolate back.

So, Special Dark.

special dark is a favorite of mine.

I like the others in the poll too. Goodbar is my second choice if the the Dark is gone.

Krackel. It’s not even a contest. If all the Krackel are gone, I’ll take a Goodbar but plain chocolate no matter the cacao content will lose every time.

Krackel > Special Dark > Mr. Goodbar > Regular

Krackel is the closest to a unique product. Although, Goodbar has always tasted off to me.

I always go for the Goodbar first, even though the Special Dark is actually better. If they made a Special Dark with peanuts, that would be awesome.

When did they change it? And what was the change?

Special dark every time.

In miniatures form, Special Dark above all. If I was getting a full-size bar, probably Krackel (don’t think you can get this in full size any more, and it even seems to have disappeared from the Hershey fundraising assortments…) or Mr. Goodbar, then Special Dark, then milk chocolate.

From Wiki:

The Hershey Company began to change the ingredients of some of its products in 2008, in order to replace some of the relatively expensive cocoa butter with cheaper oil substitutes. This was done to cut costs, rather than having to raise prices in the marketplace for products containing cocoa butter.

Special Dark, though I am fond of the Krackels as well.

Special Dark every time. If they’re all gone, Mr. Goodbar would be a perfectly acceptable replacement.

Special Dark, any time. Followed by Krackel, Mr. Goodbar, and then the plain.

Now I’m going to go get a sack of these.

For me, it would be Mr. Goodbar followed by Krackel and Milk chocholate. There’s something about Mr. Goodbar’s taste that I really like. Special Dark is staying in the bowl. It has a really off taste I never liked as a child and still don’t.

None. Hershey’s makes horrible chocolate.

Krackel, then Milk, then Dark. Mr. Goodbar could perhaps be used as a suppository but never taken by mouth.

Krackel. If those are gone, Special Dark. If those are gone, regular. If there’s nothing but Mr. Goodbar left, I’ll just skip it and get my chocolate elsewhere. :slight_smile:

It’s at work, which means chances are good I haven’t eaten since yesterday’s dinner; so I go for the Mr. Goodbar because it has nuts in it. Tastewise, I would always choose the Special Dark.

Krackel, before the oil change. After, I don’t bother to buy’em.

I knew something had changed in the past few years, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Thanks.