Elections Don't Exist

Elections Don’t Exist

This is subject that I find very few wish to hear about. There has been so much energy invested in debating the fine points between this political party of that; this candidate or that one. This is a monumental waste of time.

Among the well-funded special interest groups, the pro-Israeli lobby controls all of Washington politics. American foreign policy is determined by international money interests. This is a fact. Both of the “opposing” political parties, despite having some superficial differences, essentially serve the same elite!

The idea that representative government has existed in America since the Wilson administration is an ILLUSION. Do enlightened, educated people actually think that the power elite give the general population a true voice in government?

US presidents have apparent power, not true power. In the cases of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, both presidents printed currency outside the control of the international banking cabal. The failed attempt of Andrew Jackson’s life was due to his veto of a congressional bill wish was designed to extend the charter of… The International Bankers.

Look - it’s time to grow up. Children with normal I.Q.'s stop believing in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy before they reach the age of ten. When are adults going to realize that they’ve been duped by the money powers??

Guten morgen, mein herr. :dubious::rolleyes:

So…the Jews run everything?

We’ve never heard anything like that on the SDMB before.

:smiley: :smiley:

Please do tell us more!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ah yes, The Santa Clause:

If you get schnockered to the gills and stumble around on a football field in Philadelphia, you WILL be pelted by snowballs with batteries inside them.

Preach it, brother!

…Go on…:dubious:

Check please!

What you’re saying is somewhat correct. You’re definitely right that neither party has a reasonable Israeli policy, but my antisemitism alarm is going off. FYI, don’t capitalize SOME words in your sentence if you want to appear sane in a forum that has other options.

Money runs our government, true. But the money is principally used to get votes in elections. Elections exist.



We wuz having fun, messin with him.


Hey, I didn’t say *who *I reported him to.

Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. If memory serves, that’d be The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Well then that settles it. You can all go home now.

Is this Pro-Israeli Special Interest International Banker Money Power Cabal Group the same thing as the Illuminati, or are they like Pepsi and Coke?

How do you say “Illuminati” in Hebrew?

So, Mr. Detour-15D, elections don’t exist? Then the sign outside our Town Hall that says “Vote Here” is bogus?

What, what? I can’t hear you through the hoodie and the kerchief over your face. Maybe the acoustics in your parent’s basement are bad.

I don’t know if the OP plans on coming back, but I think this thread belongs in the Pit.

National bankers. But it was due more to the fact that his assassin thought that he [the assassin] was Richard III, and that Jackson had stolen money from him that he needed to go back to England and become king.

Details, details.



Okay - whatever. Clearly there is a deep level of indoctrination here just as everywhere else. My post gets moved and is followed by glib, hostile remarks. Par for the course.

Pick up the book by professors Meirscheimer and Walt explaining who exactly controls US Politics. Look around and determine if anything has changed with alternating Democratic and Republican administration - ongoing warfare which benefits only the super-wealthy, bank bail-outs, the disappearing middle class, and then ask yourselves if voting does jack-schitt.

Straight dope? I don’t think that’s the right name for this forum. LOL

If you contained your point to the issue of the influence of money on politics, you’d have a completely different reaction. Hell, I’d likely agree with you that the super wealthy and corporate interests have a vast amount of power in American politics, much much more than they should; and that that power influence both parties. You have a point in there.

Unfortunately for you, that point is buried under the rhetoric about pro-Israeli lobbies and “international money interests” that smack of that of some anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists. It’s that part of your rhetoric that people are mocking, not that money has too big an influence on American poltics.