A pointless Thank You, to You.

I have been a quiet lurker for many years. I blurted once or twice, but am more of a Wallflower kind of girl.

I read your threads a lot. Almost every day.

I like you folks.

You make me less lonely and homesick.

Thank you for making the world less… mundane.

You just don’t know us very well, that’s all. All of these posts are generated by ten of us that Cecil keeps locked in a dank basement room.

Hey, watch it! That’s the Palace of the Exalted you’re talking about! We have everything we need here! Start making posts like that, and the next thing you know, people will start wondering what’s behind that locked door on the outer wall!

Pay no attention to that man behind the firewall.

(Oh, and to the OP: you’re welcome. There are some very good people here, who have helped me regain my sanity many times. :slight_smile: )

Obviously, she’s crazy about me.


Who could blame her?


You’re welcome! I do it just for you, you know. :slight_smile:


Just so you know, I only post here in the hopes that I will become the next Little Ed, or even Cecil. :smiley:

Howdy. It is a great board with a truly superb class of people. I like it here too.
Join in more often. It will make the board even better. :slight_smile:

Hey!!! You can’t just make blanket statements like that. Have you seen any of her posts? Have her posts been peer-reviewed? I think not!

I post here and you don’t see anyone saying I make the board better.


She’s throwing insults around now. Next she’ll be telling you we love cats or cute fluffy bunnies.

And I do it just for her, so by extension just for you. :slight_smile:
Seriously, this place keeps me sane. Even on the days where no one here is.

Sounds like somebody’s looking for extra privileges. What, you think you’ll get a mat so you don’t have to sleep on the basement floor, or something?


Hey SubaRhubarb. You seem nice.

So, why are you homesick? Can we help?

Side question: do you think of dopers as real people or some other weird internet entity?

Now you mention it, I could use a fresh coffee mug. Marley’s is almost full of urine!

I resemble that remark!

I’m sorry you’re homesick, SubaRhubarb. But your name is subacool! :cool:

We ALL make the board better.
Well, okay…except for that one poster. :slight_smile:

I definitely see them as real people however since there are such large gaps in my knowledge base as to who everyone actually is I fill in the blanks with educated guesses and imagination. I tend to believe the best in people so I tend to be slow to pick up on trolls & less than lovable types.

I like it best that way. Really real people can be too much.

Oh, just ignore the pissing matches in the Pit and you’ll avoid him…

There are mats?

Who is to say that we can’t be both? :slight_smile:

Sunspace, not a bot. Honest.