Facebook question

It has come to my attention that I will be involuntarily switched to timeline on April 21. This day will mark my departure from Facebook and the deletion of my Facebook page.

Can anyone share with me the steps necessary to delete a facebook page? TIA.

Go to the drop down arrow in the top, right corner, go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS, on the left hand side click SECURITY, at the bottom (in the middle) click DEACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT.

That’s the best you can do, there is no option to actually delete it (I don’t think).

Amount the Timeline format has affected my FB experience: 0.

It’s really not the devil.

A while back didn’t someone post instructions to actually delete a fb acct?

It’s ugly and hard to parse, but other then that, meh. I believe there’s a FireFox plugin that puts Timeline profiles all in one column and in chronological order. I’ve been meaning to go and find that.

See “how do I permanently delete my account

Can I ask why? It doesn’t really affect anything, and I’m sure they’ll change it to something else sooner or later.

Attention concerned Facebook users: the timeline is just a change in appearance. There is no reason to quit, if you were okay with it before. There is a privacy switch where you can hide all of your previous stuff, but you don’t really need it if you were on top of things already (and if you weren’t, I wonder where your current outrage is coming from).

Is this the new ‘mandatory’ date when everyone will be switched? In the last three months, I’ve heard it was January 3rd, March 4th, and most recently April 4th.

I switched, and while it’s only slightly annoying, what I find absolutely infuriating is the way it organizes the friends list. Under the old profile, clicking on your own friends list gave you an alphabetical listing by first name. Now it returns a randomly organized array, which makes it impossible to easily find a particular person. AND the array changes every time you click on it.

Hijack/rant over.

Just type the friend’s name in the search box.

I don’t think it’s randomly organized. I think it’s based more around people you interact with frequently.

We fear change.

No, it’s random. Try it. Click on the friends list icon. Then do it again. Completely different the second time, and in no way does it relate to people I interact with most, given the ones who show up first.

I just loaded it 3 times in a row and all three times the first 15 people were all the same but arrayed differently and I know for a fact at least four of them were in the top 15 when I loaded my friends list earlier today.

It’s definitely sorted by who you interact with most at the top.

My timeline says I registered on there in 2008. I didn’t even know FB was around then - much less did I sign on there in that year. Don’t know where they get their info but, they’re running on California time, I guess ? :dubious:

Facebook was already way huge by 2008. I know this because I registered sometime in my senior year of high school which was 06-07 just after they dropped the .edu email requirement.

Does anyone know how to find out how many people have looked at certain photos on my site (its a business site). I don’t need to know “who” looks I just want to know how many people have seen it. Let me know. thanks!

Also, April 21 has passed and I was not automatically switched to Timeline.