I am so sick of loud motorcycles

The wannabe tough guys on their ridiculously loud motorcycles are once again besieging the normally peaceful roads of NH.

Every year in April, the mouth breathing cunts take to the streets on their louder than fuck ass-jewelry for the sole purpose of being noticed.

We get it, you want to be seen and to have your existence recognized. Why else would you parade around in your gaudy leather and helmet-less head, with two unmuffled exhaust pipes spilling untold decibles into the peaceful Sunday air?

Please, please blip your throttle again while sitting at the traffic light. Yes, blip it once more! Again! You are a sexy beast sitting on all that chrome, your fat gut hanging over your belt and touching the gas tank and your blubbery jowls barely hidden behind your ridiculous face hair. If I were a woman, then surely my panties would be flooded, oh yes, blip that throttle again! I bet sex with you would be like riding a magnificent and powerful bean bag.

Perhaps someday this ridiculous trend of noise will cease.

This might make you feel better.

Also, this:

Gave me a genuine LOL! So cheers :slight_smile:

Gar, loud motorcycles drive me insane, and this is coming from someone who likes noise. I sleep with the radio on. I like living on a major street and being able to hear buses go by and people outside going on about their business. But the sounds of buses and people talking are fine, as they are normal sounds of human beings existing together in a city. Rigging your goddamn motorbike so that it’s louder than a fucking rocket just means you’re an asshole who should be shot in the dick, particularly when you pull this shit early in the morning.

Could you give us a description of the video so those of us not in the US can view it? :slight_smile:

I hate loud motor bikes, too. Nothing says “It’s summer!” like the sound of ignorant assholes blatting up and down the street, advertising that their mommies didn’t pay enough attention to them.

So, am I going to get anywhere with the “LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES” argument?

I will cut you.

I’m sorry, but I laughed out loud and almost spit something up.

Probably, but not where you want.

And I’m shocked that no one has called the OP on the fat aspect of his bitch. I mean, come on… this is the pit.

I’ll let you know when I see monkeys flying out of my ass.

LOL! Actually I put baffles on my bike because it was too loud. I didn’t want to be more of an asshole than usual.

I have no argument for the “fat gut” other than I’m working on it.

“Loud pipes save lives” - tell that to the guy I just shot for having loud pipes 10 feet from my front door. (not that I really did that, just using hyperbole and all that)

I’d have to say that no, loud pipes don’t save lives - lots of reflective clothing, an obscene amount of lights for night riding, and extremely defensive riding is what saves lives.

Not loud pipes. Ever.

Holding a line across the road in front of a motorcycle could kill the rider, so don’t do it.

Pretending to hold an invisible line across the road in front of a motorcyle, however, . . . http://youtu.be/EccnBdL16ns

I never understood LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES. No they don’t. When are loud pipes actually loudest? *After the motorcycle has already passed by you and is ahead of you/your blind spot. *

That’s completely wrong. They’re loudest when revving while stationary at an intersection :slight_smile:

Maybe yes, maybe no.

But they sure as fuck DO NOT for the 5 minutes random you (not you you) and 2dozen other short dicked assholes spent sitting in the state park parking lot idling and fucking reving your short dick announcement devices.

Hmmm, I like the idea of a “loud pipes = short dicks” bumper sticker…

If you’re stupid enough to choose a method of transportation that requires you to make a total ass of yourself to be safe then you deserve a Darwin Award.

Bike rider here. This is just wrong. When you are riding with the flow of traffic, people around you are more aware of your existence. Hence, I would argue that louder pipes are safer for the rider.

But all that doesn’t mean shit when the rider isn’t wearing a helmet.

I have asshole pipes. For those who didn’t know, there are varying levels of asshole you can buy. Mine are somewhere in the mid range.

That being said, there are things you can do to NOT offend people.

Myself, I let my bike idle (or just slightly more than idle) until I’m out of the neighborhood and on the major roads.

No, early morning start ups. Unless I’m riding my bike to work.

I wont argue loud pipes saves lives. All I can say is I’ve had both. With the quite pipes, I pretty much had to drive like I was invisible. Because nobnody ever thinks to look for bike riders when they are driving down the road. With the loud pipes, this happens less often.

That’s been my experience anyway.

Sorry dumpass, I have already reproduced. Several times.

Instead of being a mid range asshole, why don’t you just take a car, if sensible exhaust systems are unsafe?

First, why not take a car, if motorcycles are unsafe? Why do you feel entitled to disturb everyone else’s peace?

Secondly, dumpass sounds like a terrible medical condition.