Men: How much chest hair do you have?

Inspiring thread. A bit hard to quantify I know, going to try anyway, with 6 options (+ the obligatory Other).

Me, I am fairly thick, but in point of fact have it thicker on the front of my abdomen from around my navel going on down.


I’ve seen guys hairy almost to the point of a looking like they have a sweater on. I’m not there, but I’m pretty dense from neck to nethers, even where my 6 pack lies buried. You can grab a painful handful pretty much anywhere. Back is pretty fuzzy, too, but not quite so much. Bald-bodied men confuse me unless they’re manscaping (which I won’t comment on because that’s more of an aesthetic).

If it’s not too late, maybe add an option for “normally fuzzy, but waxed/shorn”.

I voted “Other” as mine isn’t very thick, but is longish. The opposite of choice #4.

I’m probably 2.5 My back is free and clear, however.

As I get older my 17 chest hairs get longer but not more numerous, but the hair is proliferating on my shoulders.

And I could use all of that and more on my head, if it were possible to move it!

I don’t really know how to rate it…
I have shirtless photos in the gallery, and you can judge for yourself.

My grandparents were married in 1919. My grandmother once said that the first time she saw my grandfather without a shirt, she “thought she’d married a wooly bear!”

My brother inherited the body hair - I didn’t have much until I was in my 40s. I still don’t have that much, but more than their used to be.

Other–according to a quick Google search, I’m past the Robin Williams stage and into the Pierce Brosnan zone. Or beyond… Chest, back, ears, you name it, it’s got hair on it. “Every last inch of me’s covered in HAIR!!!” is a constant sound bite. Plus, I shed.

I voted number 5, “Getting rather dense”. I wouldn’t mind being a “Robin Williams-esque” number 6, though. I always wanted to be extra-hairy, with back and shoulder hair and “chimp arms”. That’s politically incorrect nowadays, though… lots of people prefer the waxed look. I never have understood that. I was born in 1960, and when I was a teenager, I wanted to look like Tom Selleck of “Magnum, P. I.”, Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees, or Chuck Norris as of “Enter the Dragon”. In the 1970s, chest hair was popular!

I’m pretty much a zero. There’s a handful of hairs around the nipples and a few more in the center of my chest that have slowly developed over the last twenty years. I’m very happy about this, also–I find excessive body hair fairly repulsive, and would, if I could, go pretty much dolphin-smooth more or less everywhere. (A touch around the groin would be ok. And head hair, that’s ok too. :))

Hairy enough that I woke up to my nephew petting my chest and saying nice kitty this morning.

Just a few on the chest. I’m much more concerned about my nostrils, ears and eyebrows to be perfectly honest - those are some robust hairs there.

I’m in the Robin Williams zone now that I’m over 40.
I didn’t start growing chest hair until I was 21, but every year it grows thicker, until a couple patches started growing below my shoulderblades in my mid 30’s. I’m 48 now, and at this rate all the patches of hair should meet by time I’m 55. I’m gradually becoming that old man who sweats in the swimming pool and looks like he’s wearing a sweater.

I’m pretty sure I’m above average, but I’m not anywhere near “don’t need a sweater” territory. I’ve got a decent patch from my neck to just below my nipples, then a centerline, then another patch around my belly button. None worth mentioning on my back.

Other- I’d be between 5 and 6 if I didn’t shave regularly.

I am one of the most un-hairy dudes I know. I can’t grow a decent beard or goatie and not a single chest hair to speak of. It’s a blessing and a curse.

I have never tried to grow my beard out. But I do like my hair distribution patterns - I have a mustache, no chest hair at all, and (most of) the hair on my head. I used to have hair on my legs, but over the years my socks have worn it off.

I wonder, if I had chest hair, if I would shave it. No idea.


Hard to say on that poll, I went with moderate amount. As I said in the other thread, it’s fine hair, but it’s fairly long.

Between 1 and 2. I do have chest hair, but its no sweater.

I am a hairy man.