Ads autoplaying audio

Hi, I had a banner ad for the movie “Noah” autoplaying in Cafe Society today. Just letting you know.

We really could use screen shots when we hear about things like this – helps the ad department track down what’s going on. Just a complaint is not very useful, though it’s good to know.

This happens to me on every thread lately, including right now. It’s really annoying, as I like (liked) to listen to Spotify while browsing the board. I am surprised to learn that it is apparently not something you are *intending *to happen–I was going to come and complain and beseech you to stop. That it is not your intention but also not under your control is somehow better and worse at the same time.

So how would I take a screenshot on a PC (I know how to on my iPad, but I’m not so sure it happens there), and then how would I provide it to you?



Just get Adblock because we all know nothing is ever going to get done about it. Autoplaying ads have been happening for as long as ads having been getting used on this site. Tuba will tell us that they can’t do anything about it anymore since they don’t handle the ads now, but even when they did handle the ads, jack got done about it. Get yourself a copy of ABP and you won’t even know ads exist on this board.
If you go to, it should take you right to the plugin for your browser. At least when I tried to get a link to the homepage it kept directing me to their Firefox plugin.

I don’t know that I really feel right about blocking ads generally, because I like getting free content online that is paid for by ads. I just don’t want them to play *audio *without my permission.

I feel the same way. That is why I use the mute feature when I am here. It does not matter to me that I am missing some other sounds while I am here or browsing - this way I can control what comes thru the speakers.

Mute feature?

Double-click on your speaker icon in the lower right, from there you can control the audio features of your PC (click on the speaker in the pop-up to mute/unmute).

And to take a screen shot, simply hit the “Print Scrn” button, then paste into an e-mail.

If the ads on this website can auto play, can they automatically download malware to your computer?

Oh, you mean to mute *everything *coming from the computer. Yeah, I already knew how to do that–but my issue is that I want to be able to listen to music on Spotify while I read the board.

AdBlock will stop the ads and becoming a member will monetarily support the board.

This depends on your browser, browser settings, add-ons, anti-malware program, and OS. E.g., Adobe Acrobat/Reader is a very common attack vector. A malformed PDF embedded in the ad that is auto-loaded can easily infect an unprotected computer. Java is almost as bad. But IE and its ActiveX holes don’t need any help, they can mess you up on their own.

But keep in mind that new exploits are found all the time. No OS, browser, anti-malware program is perfect. All you can do is reduce the odds.

Running an ad blocker is a really good step. (Which websites hate, of course. But as long as the ad system is as dysfunctional as it is, users have no choice.)

It’s the “Resolve” and 'Lysol" ads appearing at the bottom of every page today that are doing this.

Do you actually hear something when those ads play or are they silent?

I can hear it. There is a little video that is also playing. The ad does, however, let me pause it, thus stopping the video and audio.

How can I send you a screen shot of it? Does PM allow attachments?

Oh, now there’s an idea. How much is membership?

You can upload it to photobucket/flickr and PM her the link or email her the screenshot.

$15 a year I think.

$14.98 yearly. We accept most major credit cards and PayPal.

Click on UserCP/Paid Subscriptions to start the process.