The most annoying recurring characters on TV

All shows of all time are fair game- current, canceled, past & present.

Cal Lightman of Lie to Me. Especially in the third season, where he could never seem to stand or sit upright but kept in constant squirmy motion. He made a play for almost every female client, which was misguided, as he is one of the most unattractive male characters ever to appear on TV.

Sarah Linden of The Killing. Yeah, I know she’s troubled. But geez… rude to her partner, constantly scowling, monosyllabic, walks away from people without a word. Hard to root for her.

Inspector Morse of Inspector Morse. Arrogant, drunk, not as hot as he thinks he is. Interestingly, the character as portrayed in *Endeavour *is not annoying at all (to me).

Horatio Caine, CSI: Miami.

Also, perhaps less well-known internationally, Helen Cutter from UK dino-sci-fi Primeval. Gah, even the way that woman ate an apple was annoying.


Lt. Randy Disher on Monk. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a likable character. But he’s also a competent detective although the writers frequently cast him as a buffoon and used him as comic relief. You can humanize a character without turning him into a clown.

Ensign Pavel Chekov

The Polish neighbor lady on 2Broke Girls. I gave up on that show long ago. I found that character to be particularly obnoxious.


Kripke of Big Bang Theory.

I second the Polish lady on 2 Broke Girls. Her voice is annoying and to me she looks like a tranny with no clothes sense.

Every single toddler/toddler+ child actor in the history of television who has lines.

Wesley Crusher

I’m not sure I’d label Sarah Linden of The Killing as a “recurring character”. She’s the main character. In fact, all of the OP’s examples aren’t recurring - they’re all leads.

Daphne out of off of Frasier and The Scooby Doo Show

Walt Jr.

Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Recreation.

Granted, he is funny, but funny in a I-want-him-strangled-before-he-opens-his-mouth way.

By recurring I mean someone who appears/appeared regularly in a show, as opposed to someone who makes/made a one-time guest appearance.

The lead is one type of recurring character. The main characters are another type of recurring character.

His sister Mona Lisa is even worse. She makes Jean-Ralphio look reasonable and self-aware by comparison.

I was confused about this too, since the meaning of “recurring character” I was familiar with is the one given at TVTropes and Wikipedia:

Angel Martin on Rockford Files. Annoying little shit that Rockford should have dumped in the river a long time ago. Caused more trouble for Jim that he was worth.

Orville Wilbur “Rick” Wright in Magnum PI. Not annoying in every episode, but when he was bad he was a whiny little punk with terminal short man syndrome. Insecure, narcissistic, and sometimes a downright jerk. His inability to see reality in the episode where his sister got murdered is not excused by it being his sister. Magnum may have used him shamelessly, but Rick made Magnum seem like the good guy.

Det Joe Fontana in L&O mothership. Probably on the take, threatened to physically abuse not only suspects, but witnesses as well. Bent the rules, but not in a likeable way. However, probably the most realistic representation of NYPD in any L&O franchise. :wink:

Brenda Frickin Leigh Johnson, The Closer. Talk about narcissistic! She’s the poster child. I don’t even think she is aware how much she is all take and no give. Let alone setting several people up to be murdered, her self-righteous streak had to be fed even if she was wrong. And poor Fritz! He shoulda run when he had the chance! She’s like the stereotypical top HS football player who is coddled through HS and college, and never had to answer for anything. All her messes were cleaned up for her. Everyone is just so in awe of her, no one ever calls her on her BS. I don’t think she even knows that was happening. It’s just her magic, I guess! The world does not touch her.

And a comment about cochrane’s mention of Lt Discher - he was a Lieutenant, fer cripes sake. You have to pass tests to be promoted to that. There’s no way he could be as stupid as he was shown, and yet be where he was. To be fair, in some episodes, he WAS pretty sharp. But like the title character as well, the character writing was very inconsistent over the run of the show.

You were making the classic mistake of watching 2BG with the sound on.

Actually I think she did know. Just before she married Fritz, she tearfully confessed to him that she didn’t understand why he was with her, because she was a horrible person and he was not. It was both heartening and heart-breaking, because she clearly didn’t want to be the way she was; she just didn’t know how to be otherwise.

Rory Gilmore. It’s not that she was that bad, but the hero worship every other damn character had for her, made her very annoying.

Not EVERY other character worshipped her; you forget Paris. And by the end of his time on the show, Dean had grown to seriously dislike her.