"Automatic" Changes Inside Quote Boxes

See this post and the post it quoted.

DSeid (the poster I was quoting) had a numbered list in his post with 5 items in the list. I wanted to address my comments to only Items 3-5 of his list, so I deleted the first two. But since the numbering was done by the board software formatting function and not manually, the list was now numbered 1-3, with the old #3 becoming #1, and so on.

ISTM that the only ways to deal with this are to either quote a bunch of extraneous material or to manually recreate the list numbering.

I don’t think there was any harm done in this case. But I understand in general the idea is to keep anything in a quote box sancrosanct. Is there an officially approved method of dealing with this type of situation?

I was hoping that you could just use the obvious, and change [noparse][ol] into [list=3][/noparse], but that didn’t work:

[list=3][li]This should be number 3[/li][li]And this number 4[/li][/ol]

I guess you could always replace [noparse][ol] with just [ul][/noparse], so that you’d get an unordered list:

[list][li]This should be number 3[/li][li]And this number 4[/li][/ul]

Or, yes, manually edit the list, even though it will make it look dumb if an item takes up more than one line.

  1. This is a multiline long third item that is quite tertiary to the point that I am making that probably should address a sadly departed poster due to her fondness of lists that contain at least a trio of members. It should also probably contain three lines on my screen so that it will be long enough for people with higher resolutions or a lower zoom level. Maybe even four lines, just to be sure.
  2. And here’s a shorter fourth item.

[list=1][li]This is a multiline long third item that is quite tertiary to the point that I am making that probably should address a sadly departed poster due to her fondness of lists that contain at least a trio of members. It should also probably contain three lines on my screen so that it will be long enough for people with higher resolutions or a lower zoom level. Maybe even four lines, just to be sure.[/li]
[li]And here’s a shorter fourth item.[/ol][/li]
Note that the above contains a bug, BTW. I did type a space between just and [noparse][list][/noparse]. I could probably have fixed it, but I chose not to.

Huh. I tried changing LIST=1 to LIST=3. That had no effect. Same result as you got.

I guess you could delete the text after the first two numbers and replace them with “…” or “not addressed” or something like that. I should think that would be OK.

I had no issue with the numbers within my quotebox being changed but would endorse the “…” solution myself as being most proper in case anyone ever would care.

Funny enough I don’t usually bother with the LIST function and just manually make a list (which would have created no issue for you) … I only did under the peer influence of your formatting in the post I was responding to! :slight_smile:

I am so easily influenced …

If the left out numbers are short, I agree that the “…” solution is good. But it could get unwieldy if it gets too far down.

And, in case my small text wasn’t clear, I left in the bug rather than working around it, just to show it off. the [noparse][noparse][/noparse] tag seems to have trouble with a bracket preceded by a space–probably because there’s some algorithm that removes spaces before certain tags that doens’t get shut off when [noparse][noparse][/noparse] is used.

Damn. I thought this thread would be about how the hell Chronos gets “quoth” in his quote boxes. Assuming he doesn’t do each of them by hand.

He does each of them by hand.

another problem with quoting.

As you can see from my previous post, the anti-caps-lock-abuse function messes with quotes in an undesirable way. I quoted a previous poster’s mixed-case text, then added a few words of my own in all caps. Result: the quoted text was changed to all lowercase!

ETA: Actually, not all lowercase. Looks like it keeps capitals after a period. Very odd.

It also changed the mid-sentence “I” to lowercase. It looks like it changed everything that it perceived to be a word.



test test.

Both my “test” were uppercase. Looks like it needs to be more than one word. TEST. It’s just an odd bit of programming, I guess.

[QUOTH=Frank;18911612]test test.[/QUOTH]


  • Shakes fist at Chronos *

Easy peasy. :slight_smile:

It’s just


Note his quotes don’t include the clickable arrow. And the “Quoth <name>” part is *inside *the quote box. IOW it’s just text he types in there between two unadorned QUOTE tags.

Yes–I realized that in a sudden burst of aha! before I scrolled down and saw your dissection.

But you lose the pingback–which is the point of the feature, as a quote/cite, to see full context as a post, the status of the conversation back whenever, etc.

But you can do the above if you want. You get the best of both worlds: attribution, pingback *and *pretentious pre- and post-amble. :slight_smile:

Lux ex tenebris