RIP, Keith Emerson

I just saw the news on the ELP Facebook page. What an amazing keyboard player he was. I’ll be spending the rest of workday listening to ELP.

I only got to see him in concert once, as part of the short lived Emerson, Lake, and Powell tour.

This is a tragic loss for the music world. It’s a big loss for me personally as well, as Emerson was a huge inspiration to me in my own musical development. Farewell Keith.

Sad news. I’m glad to see he lived to be 71, though. He had a long and fulfilling life. That seems to be the trend now, a rocker living to an advanced age instead of dying in their 20s. That makes their deaths a little easier to accept.

RIP, Keith Emerson. :frowning:

Aw, man! The icons of my youth are dropping like flies.

I guess the show that never ends…has ended.

I was a big fan of ELP when the first came out, and I still love the way Emerson did rock versions of classical music. Certainly flashy, but he could back it up with his playing.

I only “discovered” ELP a few years ago, but “Karn Evil 9” is one of my favorite compositions of all time by any musician/band/act of any era.

The world is lessened by the loss of someone who was capable of producing a work of such magnitude and excellence.

RIP, Keith. Your grave has no need of flowers; the tapes have recorded your name.

[…please, be someone else named Keith Emerson…please, be someone else named Keith Emerson…]

Noooooooooo!!! :frowning:

RIP, Mr. E.

Damn Damn Damn! I discovered ELP in the early 90s when I was in HS. They were the first of the big prog bands I learned of and I instantly became a huge fan. I think Brain Salad Surgery (the album) is a total masterpiece. I was fortunate enough to see them live (I think twice actually) and they were incredibly tight.

Rest well Keith.

I’m so sorry to hear this. Saw them back in the early 90’s. What a great show.

Sorry to hear that…

Tangentially-related, he had a pretty nice house…

His death is being investigated as a possible suicide. :frowning:

Well, crap! :frowning:

Gunshot wound to the head? Considering that, I certainly hope it’s suicide…

I wonder what would have brought that on. He had some problems with tendinitis but no other medical issues or mental illness that I’m aware of.


71 is not an advanced age!

I liked ELP, though not at their most bombastic. Keyboards add a lot of needed texture to rock. Emerson was clearly a major name in that world.

This has been a terrible year for classic rock and we’re not even up to the Ides of March*.
*who are all still alive.

2016-The Year the Music Died.

I liked ELP I did not know they were still together.

In the 70s they tried a tour with an orchestra but quickly found out it was costing way too much. I think they dropped the orchestra after 10 or so shows.

Sorry for his passing. Wan’t a big fan but appreciated his playing.

If you get the chance, check out Marc Bonilla’s EE Ticket, with Keith playing piano. *Phenomenal *record!

Oh god DAMN it. Really fucking hate this.