cosmetic nipple surgery

Is there a cosmetic procedure to make a woman’s nipples bigger?

I don’t know but you’ve put a Don Ho song firmly in my mind.

good god i hope so… and i hope someone tells me where to find a doctor that will do this.

try suction.

For those who don’t want to go under the knife, I saw in Maxim that there are now latex “nipple enhancers” you can buy, which make it appear that a woman has a perpetual chill, so to speak. They’re called Perkies or something, and run for $20 a pair. They’re meant to attract attention for the wearer. (sorry I can’t come up with the brand name, but you can imagine how many thousands of hits came up on Google for +nipple +latex +perky!:o

Good call xizor. Anyone so lazy as to have the doc doing what he should be doing himself doesn’t deserve big nipples.

Howad, I suspect the answer is no in both cases but are you talking about the proturding part of the nipple or the areola? The only surgery I’m aware of along those lines is to relocate the whole shebang during breast reduction. The areola is often reduced in size and given more definition. I recently encountered such a pair belonging to a good friend. Full function and sensitivity was maintained and the girls stood at attention nicely.

My girlfriend has grapefruit sized breasts, nice, firm, fine by me. But she has no nipples protruding. I think they call them inverted or something? Personally, I think she looks fine, but she is sensitive about it.
Women! go figure!

Nothing useful to add, I just thought the title of this thread would’ve made a great Dead Kennedy’s album title.

I think you want this site :smiley:

Pregnancy frequently does a terrific job.

Breast Shields

also here

howardsims wrote:
“My girlfriend has grapefruit sized breasts, nice, firm, fine by me. But she has no nipples protruding. I think they call them inverted or something?”

That’s a slightly different question than your original post. The answer is yes, there is a surgical procedure to correct inverted nipples. They don’t get bigger, they just go from innies to outies.