The Great Phi Theory.

I’ve posted my ideas about the number Phi (1.618…) and the unified field theory here before, and people have not accepted it that well. So, I have changed my approach, I will present the ideas in the simplest terms possible.

I will refrence this article originally written by Dan Winter for public use:
Please read the entire thing before you comment, again, this is the simplest I can present it.

Here is an excerpt, but I encourage you to read the whole article:

my cat’s breath smells like cat food

I like my universal jello with whipped cream.

And this theory predicts that . . .?

Seriously, give me something that I can go observe. Fill in these blanks:

My theory explains ____ more satisfactorily than existing physics.

Because of this, the observed _____ that we currently have trouble explaining matches my theory’s prediction of _____. Further, if you were to do _____ test, the theory predicts that ____ will occur.

Fill 'em in or go home, please.

(Mmmm. Universal jello. Does that go with Soul Donuts?)

I bent my wookie.

My God! It’s full of stars…

Has anybody noticed how similar some of Hiyruu’s stuff is to the Theosophism of H.P. Blavatsky?

For some reason, noting this makes me veeeery uneasy…

With or without fruit cocktail?

Apple phi, pumpkin phi, banana cream phi

To quote the esteemed philosopher H. J. Simpson:
(it works better if you picture the stream of saliva)

You forgot “universal jello phi”.

Polycarp, I didn’t know who Blavatsky was until you mentioned her, but after looking I realize I had heard the beliefs before. I also find this brief article Let’s Take Hitler. Ignoring the conclusions the author makes, is this a fair assessment of Blavatsky (and why we have reason to be alarmed)?

By the way, are Blavatsky’s writings as strangely unclear as these, or are you talking about the ideas? Reading this stuff is so odd … it’s as if a computer had generated the phrases, but not quite, just a little too human, and yet not exactly what an absolute lunatic’s ravings would be.

I skimmed through the article linked to in the OP. What’s odd is that the ‘Questioner’ appears to speak rationally and normally at first, but over time seems to lose it. Yet the answers maintain the gobbledygook phraseology throughout.

Does Universal Jello Phi replace both metric and standard Jello Phi? If so, this could free up a whole shelf in my refrigerator!

Really? That’s odd.

From Hiyruu’s website:


What a waste of perfectly good storage media.

Hmm… So it’s “matter” vs. “doesn’t matter.”
I need to remember that for my physics class tomorrow.


There’s always room for jello.

The sort of phi I’ve always found to be a lot more interesting is the phenomenon in cognitive perception studies. A dot of one color is flashed by some sort of apparatus, and then a number of milliseconds later, a dot of another color, a short distance away. The nifty thing is, people perceive a single dot, moving quickly between the points, and changing color at the halfway point–where no dot was ever displayed.

Doubtless, that sort of oddity of perceptual trickery is explained if we could only grasp this…whatever it is. It makes me think of Bucky Fuller’s “Synergetics,” only written by someone with a PCP drip permanently installed into his cortex, and who probably never came up with anything practical like geodesic construction.

I’ve read the Op 4 times.

Your points don’t follow one from the other. You’ve made up names for phenomena which already have names.

And, the whole point of quantum mechanics (of which I know very little, but aspire) is that the same rules of the macro universe do not apply to quanta and vice cersa. That’s why they are so difficult to determine.

You are immediately making the rather severe error of ommitting this consideration in your theory and assuming that the rules of quanta apply to the macro world.

Which is provably false unless you are willing to provide me with some macro universe jello or donuts with compassion and self-determination.

**Hiyruu wrote:

  1. In a unified field everything is waves moving about in a universal jello of particle/waves.

  2. In that universal jello or “ether” the only self-organizing shape is the donut or smoke rings or torus.

  3. Those donuts or vortex pairs arrange themselves like trumpets into the faces of the platonic solids, and this is called the atomic table (matter).**

Well, there’s your problem right there, putting ether, donuts and trumpets in universal jello! You need miniature marshmellows, carrots sticks and marachino cherries! And your flavor of universal jello matters, too! Are you using orange, lime, cherry or watermelon? Someone get Chef Troy in here with a good dessert cookbook!

On a slightly more serious note, I agree with Mighty Maximino. Give us something we can tangible about this theory, predicitions that match observable phenomenon.

Sounds like what is going on in my dirty laundry basket. Those gym socks need a wash, damnit!

Wasn’t the movie American Phi about


I was struck by this as well. The “questioner” started off so rationally, but soon lapsed into ALL CAPS and INCOHERENCE, that is, GIBBERISH. Perhaps it’s contagious?

And I may be naive, but this is exactly what I picture an absolute lunatic’s ravings are like. At least an absolute lunatic that can apparently type and put together a website.

In the OP, Hiyruu quoted Dan Winter’s article as saying:


Well … even if the rest of the OP wasn’t already a load of Dingo’s Kidneys, this alone would automatically throw it into the Loony Bin. Ley lines are figments of overzealous New Agers’ imaginations: