The Unified-Field Theory Solved.

The theory proposes that mass is defined by inertia (spin) as waves converge and are stored. Therefore we must ask, what is the optimal model for inertia to be stored?

The answer is a scalar-path, that permits non-destructive interference between converging waves, and the only spiral/path that permits non-destructive wave interference is 0.618… (The golden ratio). The golden ratio is the only ratio that allows scale to change while keeping proportion the same.

Thus we define gravity as that which permits waves to converge non-destructiveley and thus gain inertia/mass.
So instead of E=MC^2 we have G=CPHI^n.
Quote from Dan Winter, 'Has E=MC^2 been replaced by Gravity=Light

This is quoted from Dan Winter, ‘The Physics of Phi’.

So, our only definition of gravity/mass is that which allows waves to converge in-PHI-knitly. This solves Einstein’s dilema of how gravity is defined. It is a solution that shows that gravity is simply stored inertia.

Dude, go easy on the 'shrooms – it’s a school night.

Dan Winter? Didn’t he play Mork & Mindy’s baby?

HEY! Aren’t you that guy on the usenet who works out long, elaborate, math-like formulas to explain all the details about the super powers of Marvel Comics Characters?


Now, Fenris, let’s not be too harsh. Hiryuu is just trying to inform us that the greatest physics problem of the twentieth century has been solved. We should be thanking him. Lord knows that small-minded twit Stephen Hawking wasn’t getting anywhere with it.

Wow…you know…

I can ALMOST see the point…

I must be missing the key high…

Ya know, I can think of no better forum for solution to the Greatest Physics Problem[sup]TM[/sup] of all time than Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

Damn it, hiyruu I was just gonna post that! [evil villian voice]You may have one this battle SwollenForeheadManWithToMuchTimeOnYourHands, but I’ll get you in the end [enter evil echoing chuckle here] [/ evil villian voice]

p.s. congrats on 2000 posts monster

Thanks, Hiyruu. That was the one equation I lacked.

Now I’m going to take over the world…

My body has become weightless.

[Brain]Pinky, are you thinking what I’m thinking?[/Brain]

[Pinky]Wot? Coating myself in mayonnaise and rolling in saran wrap? [/Pinky]

[Brain]No, No Pinky. I will pretend to solve the Unified Field Theory with meaningless quotes from pseudo science! When the top thinkers flock to my door, I will kidnap them and TAKE OVER THE WORLD! [/Brain]

[Pinky]Narf! Pass me the jar opener, Brain![/Pinky]

Stephen Hawk …WHO ???

We are in the presence of true genius.
On your knees people.

Why only the other week this guy solved the problem of Travelling fater than the speed of light for us.

Can someone stop the guy before he burns out that big ol brain of his?

Please tell me its not too late

Oh, thank God! Now all those physicists can start working on important stuff, like transporter beams and warp drives and why my dog has a disturbing affinity for his own poo.

Well, what are you guys waiting for? Chop-chop!

I wasn’t entirely kidding. I dug up one of the usenet’s guy’s posts, where he elaborately details his “theories”.

(Note, I didn’t cut it off, his posts just end there).

And don’t be fooled. This stuff sounds like he’s RPGing, but he believes in what he posts and applies these formulae-like things to all sorts of real world situations.

And I think the writing styles are remarkably similar.

So, Hiyruu, ARE you C2/tsr0?


A Fan

And I’d like to suggest, that when those physicists finish up, that they strap a warp nacelle to Hiyruu’s ass and aim it at the sun.

Don’t forget his other name, Fenris… C++

I think you’re right. I think it’s the same guy…

You’re right – some of his mindless gobbledygook does come from RPGs. Specifically:

The ‘Class 10 (Good)’ reference comes from the old Marvel Super Heroes RPG published by TSR – characteristics had a numerical value (typically between 1 and 10) and a descriptor (a value of 6 was Typical, 10 was Good, 40 Incredible, 100 Unearthly, et cetera). How that relates to actual intelligence, the speed of light, or whatever Theory of the Week™, I have NO idea.

</end nitpick>

Reading that guy’s posts is like trying to make sense out of a bowl of Alpha-Bits, I swear.

Well, I got my slide rule right here (it’s the latest model), and your equations lead to the conclusion that protons do not decay, but that’s only true if they’re kept in the fridge.

I don’t know how you got that 4 quarks equal a galleon and that gluons have a spin of less than none. The rest makes perfect sense, though.
Just kidding. It’s gibberish. All of it.

Turn yourself in before you trip over a super sting and hurt yourself. They’ll give you a nice room and lots of drugs.

Alright, which one of you mods edited out the “r” in super string?

Fess up. I never make a mistake.

“You are my density.”