The Physics of Phi
It is the nature of waves when they meet in the universal compressible substrate to beat and interfere. The key to compression/implosion is how these waves can interfere infinitely with never any destructive loss of inertia, spin, and pattern. Otherwise spin and pressure density is not self organizing or sustainable.
To understand waves optimizing spin density, we need only to ask the simplest question of waves beating: What is the geometry of all wave interference? All wave interference producing repeating additive heterodynes or beat nodes. As the heterodynes or beats of the wave interference repeats, the product of wave interference is therefore literally the addition and the multiplication of the parent waves.
There is only one singular geometry which permits wavelengths to add and multiply, and still yet all fit one nest: Each adjacent wave node allows approaching wave fronts to interfere only in the ratio .618033989…, thus producing heterodyne interference which continues to fit the nest infinitely inward and outward.
As each sine wave comes to a meeting point, the resultant pressure nodes radiate in nests which are both the arithmetic and geometric multiples of the source. The mathematics for this touch permissive geometry for waves is the infinite Golden Mean progression: .618033989… 1.000 1.618033989… 2.618033989… in which each number added to the next equals the following, and each number multiplied by 1.618033989… equals the following.
The issue for a wave really was how could the wave’s own inertia re-enter itself without destroying or canceling out itself. This could be called the angular relation necessary for self-reentry, or self-reference, or self-awareness. The angle of reentry which allowed this approach back into itself, is Phi. Literally this is the geometry of permission to be self aware for a wave. Mathematically, we might ask ourselves: what is the form of an equation which can re-enter itself infinitely, recursively?
We need to apply this mathematical ratio as the form of perfect self reference, to the wave mechanics which allow self-reference to become self-embeddedness, optimized spin density, perfect compression, and ultimately the wave form of perfect self awareness.
Wave mechanics essentially means that to understand waves is to understand mass. Mass is the inertia we measure when waves cross and store spin like a gyroscope. The difficulty in understanding the field among waves, as a unified field, becomes a problem in how to visualize and model implosion as the link between gravity and magnetism. The key to understanding implosion is to see that the geometry of implosion is everywhere the same. (It was failure to see the geometry of infinite implosion which caused Einstein heartache in understanding Black Holes and their relationship to time distortion.)
The inertia which waves store by virtue of their development of pattern out of the laws of symmetry is what we variously label as mass and as information and as we shall suggest, when the pattern is recursive, as self awareness.
Therefore any principle which enables waves to optimize spin density is the key to mass density, information density, and awareness density.
This is a geometry which permits waves to bounce down into a spiral vortex, infinitely maintaining the ratio between the legs of each bounce and the angle theta of each reflection off the curve. Think of light reflecting infinitely into the curve of a nautilus shell, never once finding itself bouncing back on itself in any way but with constructive interference.
Thinking in a kind of waves among jello, compression enabled destructive interference to be minimized, this helps us to see that this geometry is idealized translation of vorticity.
Translation of vorticity, inertia in circular motion, finds the path into a line, from motion in a circle. Remember, the inertia stored by waves moving in a circle is our only physical definition and way of measuring mass. Therefore, what we are describing here is literally the only permissive path to move from matter to energy and back. We will see why this is then the only path from electro -magnetism top gravity, because the wind we feel in the vortex of permission to implode is gravity. We will see this proven when we create a scalar wave, in the geometry of PHI, the Golden Mean, which creates the most perfect magnetic monopole, Einstein’s key to gravity.
The Golden Mean Ratio establishes the path mathematically, among wave forms called Perfect Damping. This means that the ratio by which you would self cancel wave inertia into literally a still point is established by Phi, the Golden Mean. Now let us consider what damping into a still point actually is. Visually, and as a wave function, it is literally a spin path to the zero point. The reason zero point energy is thought to be infinite is because spin density is potentially infinite as zero frequency is approached. Spin density equals information density. That is why fractal data is infinitely compressible.
Because the spin and information density is infinitely compressed at the zero point, the energy required to move the inertia of that spin wave pattern and information, also approaches zero! This means that infinite information becomes shareable with zero work or energy investment. This is why data compression (implosion) is the key to every computer information revolution. And later why this Phi recursion fractality in the EKG harmonics at the moment of compassion, proves that love is the ultimate solution to
the data compression issue.
The reason the Golden Mean geometry must be the origin of symbol and alphabet is linked closely to the significance of fractal recursion among wave forms in general.
Our very term for self-awareness as consciousness, directs our attention to the role of recursion in creating consciousness. Visualize donut fields nested one inside the other with concentric vortex throats. The scale of these wave forms can become by (Golden Mean) wave length ratio, recursive. This makes them into a fractal attractor for surrounding wave forms. This is what we have labeled conscious focus. In this way symbols get leverage to throw their weight around.
Visualize matter as a rather dense hologram of spin inertia fed wave forms. Visualize the optical cortex of the upper brain as a much less dense and rarefied potential hologram created by sparks dancing at the synapse. When the phenomenon of coherence occurs in the EEG, that hologram (a thought) has the potential to gain leverage on the dense hologram of which the brain and whatever the thought represents, is itself made. Only then can the symbol (& the mind it inhabits) participate in the world to which it points.
The crucial issue then is whether the SYMBOLIC hologram image is a true recreation of the folded surface shape in matter it is intended to represent. Remember that in a unified field, matter is only the memory of folds on a surface. The potential to become matter for a wave occurs when spin becomes coherent enough to store the inertia which we then measure and define as matter. Fractal symmetry is the enabler for this process of creation.
In order for symbols to work they need to aid in the process of creating the inner hologram in the brain as recursive of the SHAPE those symbols represent outside the membrane of the senses. Remember that in a unified field, matter is ONLY differentiated by SHAPE and not substance. Since the size of the brain limits the scale of what wave forms can form in the hologram there, only fractality or self-similar embeddedness of the “little inside the big”, solves the problem of scale which symbols must bridge.
So to create the necessarily fractal self-similar language of shape, symbolic alphabet itself must be the best creator of self-similar (fractal) embeddedness possible. When symbols permit the brain to create a fractal and self-similar representation of the wave shape of the object to which they point, then a potential phase lock is possible between the symbol and its object. This is the true physics of psychokinesis.
This is why the shaman uses some object whose shape is reminiscent (recursive/fractal) to the person or object which the mind must attach. Nature intended our thoughts to create wave shapes embedding us in our world. We evidence this with our measurements of compassion in EKG coherence phase locking fractally the ELF magnetism around a tree.
As is demonstrated in the way recursive squares create the Golden Mean array, the Golden Mean spiral is nature’s geometry of perfected embeddedness. As the outline of spiraling squares, spiraling triangles, or nested pentagrams, the Golden Mean spiral is the best fractal maker. That is how it inherently creates recursion and embeddedness. That is why our symbols are the nest of it’s shape laid around the donut of which every field effect is made.
A final note here is that gravity is created only to the extent the outer wave form of an atom or a planet, is recursive or fractal to the same geometry in it’s inside (as nuclear is to electron geometry for example, both are platonic). We label the wave implosion fractality creates as gravity. Symbols when fractal, or recursive, do take on weight.