A 60+ year old man just asked me out!

Fantastic! 35 more years and I’ll have it made.

You could always give me a sponge bath first.

Yeah, 21 more years for me. And I have to aquire a limp.

And turn black.

And charming.

I want to be just like him when I grow up. :smiley:

I was asked out a few years ago by a man who is in his late 70’s, older than my dad, who was nearly old enough to be a grandfather when he had me. We’re talking 45 years older than I am. On one hand, I thought, “Whoa, no way, man! You’d have to look like Sean Connery at that age to even think about having a shot.” On the other hand, I thought, “This guy has some brass ones, good for him for trying.”

In any case, I had to stop taking his calls because he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I felt bad but creeped out at the same time, so I know right where you’re coming from, Anaamika.

Anaamika, apparently both you and the old guy are attracted to youth and beauty. That’s natural.

When I was near your age and travelling in Europe, I spent a wonderful day and evening with a gentleman in his early seventies. He was too old for me, but for just a day, he made an interesting and intelligent companion. He’s the only man who ever bought me violets.

That’s been almost thirty-five years ago. The funny thing is that the older that I get, the more attractive that old man gets in my memory. I’m getting into his age range now. C’est la vie.

Fortunately, I have a younger man of my own at home. He’s only sixty-four.

Ya know, the sad fact is, by the time some of us old farts have become secure enough in our selves to actualy chat up young hotties, we are so old that their response is “Ewwwww”.

Oh to have had the gumption back when I was young and had all my hair. And less around the middle.

Hell, where do I sign up?!

Hey, old men aren’t the only one’s who are dirty. One time when I was in my 20s, I was playing pool in a bar, and a black lady in her 50s or 60s came up to me, licked her lips and said “Honey, I’ll take your sweet ass downtown till you can’t walk straight!” :eek:

Okay, I needed an excuse to tell this story.

I remember going to the Folsom Street Fair a few years ago and waiting for my girl friend to finish trying something on. One 57-year-old guy got rather offended that I wouldn’t go up to his hotel room “for some fun” five minutes after he walked up behind me, grabbed my ass, and said “Hey, you’re hot.”

Despite my objections that he should find someone else, since I didn’t know him. And was offended by him just grabbing me that way. And wasn’t into random sex. And I was one-third his age.
And straight.

He left after “Hey, look. If you don’t fuck off I’ll kick you until you do.”
Three cheers for jackboots.

If it makes you feel any better, I had an old man try to pick me up in a bar recently. He walked up beside me and put his hand on my lower back/upper ass as he attempted to make small talk. He was old and grey and probably around 60+ too. I just brushed him off, got my drinks and told him to have a great night.
I just wasn’t interested. It might have been the age difference as I’m 26 and he was pushing mid 60s. Of course, it might also have had something to do with me being a heterosexual male… and married. :wink:

You’re straight? I always thought the “bear” stood for…something else.

My granduncle through marraige came onto me at my cousin’s christening. He thought I was one of my aunt’s many cousins, and he was very polite about it. I was fourteen. But I thanked him for the compliment.

His girlfriend now is in her fifties, and he’s at least 30 years older.

I’ve been reading Anaamika’s, Rubystreak’s, Zoe’s and Anastasaeon’s responses with a jaded and critical eye. See, I’d been joking to my friends for years I’d probably finally get married when I was fifty to a woman half my age. I haven’t ruled that out yet. But the “Ewww! Gray pubes! Gross!” responses of some of ladies here are giving me a rare moment of pause. I need opposite validation.

So who here has an April / October, date, relationship, encounter of a romantic nature? They can be of a satisfying or unsatisfying nature. My Pops is living proof they happen, and can happen without old dudes flashing a lot of money around, and they can be highly satisfying to both parties.

Any dudes who want to jump in with their encounters with significantly older women (or men), feel free.

Like men who prefer thinner women to fat ones, women have shallow preferences, too. Mine is to date men my own age. There are chicks out there who will date older men; don’t let our preferences (which are moot anyway) scare you off. Date all the young women you like. The ones who like that kind of thing will line up at your door, I’m sure.

Sorry to double post:

Also, turn the situation around. Would you have dated a 60-70 year old women when you were younger? If no, you can see where we’re coming from. If yes, then you see you have nothing to worry about - there are people out there who think like you do, and you shouldn’t have a problem. :wink:

The greatest romance of my life happened when I was separated/divorced. I was in my early to mid 30’s (32-35) and he was in his late 50’s-early 60’s. His beard was mostly grey, but his hair (thin, but definitely there) was still gold, and he had eyes the color of forget-me-not’s. He might not have had the body of a god, but he had the soul of a poet. He had traveled the world, worked in the Arts all his life, was a published author, and he swept me off my feet, head over heels.

I was starlight, he was golden, and the air sparkled whenever we were together.

We spent large amounts of time on the beaches and in the wildflower meadows of Kodiak. He made me feel truly womanly, truly feminine, and truly wanted for no other reason than he found me delightful. He was the only person, male or female, to know who I am, to understand my heart.

He died three years into the relationship. I will never stop loving him, and will always be thankful for the time we spent together.

I was proofing this and posted before Askia’s request. I am not throwing you a bone hun, for myself a man with some living behind him is a far better option than a younger man who has less…polish.

When I was a little younger than 20, the owner of a cafe where I regularily hanged out with friends was always offering me the boot. And in no uncertain or subtle terms. He was in his late 50s, seriously overweighted, a liar, dishonest, and a a fervent supporter of the extreme-right. The fact that I was straight didn’t seem to be a issue for him, either. He also offered a couple times a monetary “compensation” .
In case you’d wonder why I kept hanging out in this cafe, that would be because we were a closely tied little group of friends, and one of us had a crush on the waiter (who was the fuck-buddy of the cafe owner, incidentally). We stopped coming there after we clearly expressed our view to our friend that becoming the girlfriend of a former felon, alcoholic and drug addict, 15 years her senior, who fucked his boss and insisted that she should give up medical school in order to work and support him financially wasn’t exactly a bright idea. After that she didn’t want to see us ever again and we stopped meeting this trio.

I got a marriage proposal this week from a strange man on the Metro. He was at least 20 years older than me, and had a funny accent I couldn’t quite place.

I was standing, holding onto a pole for balance, reading, and someone bumped into me. When I looked up to see who had nudged me, this old guy was staring at me. He then declared loudly in almost-singing voice: “Oh, beautiful lady! Marry me and make me pretty babies!”

Funny, I always thought my first proposal would be a little more romantic…

I never said, “Ewww! Gray pubes” or anything like it. I just don’t want to date someone who is 45 years older than I am. This man was about 78 years old and he looked it. If I got involved with him, he would almost certainly die on me and leave me devastated. If we had children, he wouldn’t live to see them grow up. I just can’t sign up for that.

Askia, ae you saying that you have zero physical criteria for your lovers? :dubious: Everyone has things they need and other things that they can’t deal with, and for me, a man over 50 is too old. I like men within 10 years of my age, pretty much.

How many men in their 30’s would date a 78 year old woman? I know, I know, Harold and Maude, but really, truly, how often does that happen? Older men get younger women all the time, but I rarely, if ever, hear of a man dating a woman 45 years old than him. Seriously, now.