Awwwwww, I think I just got asked out on a date!


One of the newish girls in my department, a little cutie who couldn’t be more than 25, just wandered by, and after a little awkward conversation, rather shyly asked me if I wanted to go with her to a movie that was being shown on campus this evening.

I’m married, so I had to tell her that, but still, it was inordinately flattering to this 37-year-old, balding, somewhat overweight dude.

Had to share. Sorry. :slight_smile:

One of the newish girls in my department, a little cutie who couldn’t be older than 25, just wandered by, and after a bit of awkward conversation, rather shyly asked me if I would like to go with her to see a movie that’s being screened on campus this evening.

I’m married, and told her so, but it was flattering for this 37-year-old, balding, somewhat overweight dude.


Dammit, please delete this one. I swear to god the forum said that neither this nor the other one showed up in the list.

That is pretty sweet. Congratulations. (Also, as a married guy, congratulations on making the ‘right’ choice).

As a guy in a similar situation, it would be nice to know that you’ve still got something goin’ on.

What’d your wife say?

She wasn’t there, dude.

I got that.
I meant when you told her that lil’ story?
You gotta let her know- her man is a prime commodity now…

I haven’t yet. She’s due back from a business trip tonight.

The big news might have to, uh, wait a while.

I had merged the two threads before I saw your request.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

Thanks, Cajun Man.

Dude, she lost a bet!


Just kidding. Pretty cool. Tell her that if she likes 47 year old, somewhat overweight men with salt and pepper hair, I’m available!

Mom always hoped you’d find a nice newish girl.

So this is what I’m doing wrong, god damn it. I’m not married, in my 20s, have a head full of hair and have a perfectly average weight. I suck.


Ogre tell her if she’s willing to settle, you know a nice guy that’s closer to her age.