Acronyms in common use with multiple meanings

MILF - Moro Islamic Liberation Front or something altogether different.

I was a bit flustered the first time I was offered STD insurance, too. :smiley:

In nursing, SOB means short of breath, not Son of a Bitch.

That’s in case you dial the wrong number, and you end up by paying for an unwanted call.

AWB always make me think of the Automatic White Balance setting on cameras.

In the store the other day I saw a man with swaztikas and the initials SWP tattooed on his arm. I wondered why a neo-nazi would be a member of the Socialist Workers’ Party. Did the man have multiple personalities?

Later someone told me that in the US SWP stands for Supreme White Power.

It always amuses my inner adolescent to see that someone has received a BS degree.

Please permit me to get this off my mind since a post reminded me of it.

A teacher asked one of her students what his initials OZ stood for.

He replied “Henri Xavier.” (say it aloud)


Just in the computer world it can stand for:

Media Access Control
Message Authentication Code
Mandatory Access Control
or Macintosh computer (not an acronym, but gimme a break)

and other things as well!

Yes, it would be easier if we just called them all Bruce.

ATM has other meanings too.

SWF can be either Shockwave/Flash, in a Web technology context, or Single White Female, in a personal ad.

There was some confusion in Cafe Society some time back when someone referred to the Babylon 5 spinoff movie “Legend of the Rangers” as “LotR”.

And around here, whenever anyone says “MSU”, they invariably mean Montana State University, but I understand most of the country has a different interpretation.

Certainly, but I can’t think of any of them at the moment.

I see what you did there. :slight_smile:

Yeah. Everywhere else we’d assume you were referring to Michigan State University.

Everytime I see RPG I think of Rocket Propelled Grenade. Ninety-nine percnet of the time they are talking about a Role Playing Game.

There are times when I can’t even avoid thinking of the old programming “language” which I believe was Report Program Generator.

Glad to see I’m not the only one.

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency or Culinary Institute of America.

Unless, of course you’re a conspiracy theorist and think that the latter is a covert branch of the former, training chefs who work as undercover operatives.

ERA used to be Earned Run Average or Equal Rights Amendment.

AAA - all of these are dear to my heart

American Automobile Association

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Or the highest level of a Major League Baseball team’s minor league system.

GIS: Geographic Information System or Google Image Search