All these years, I've been crapping the wrong way!

If you really want to be in a squatting position on the crapper, wouldn’t it be easier just to put a step stool in front of you and put your feet on it? That would certainly eliminate (pun intended) some of the risk of being found with your pants around your ankles and your head bleeding into the throne. It would also eliminate the need for a giant card table with a hole in it …which presumably takes up space and is a little awkward. Not to mention, the mess issue involved in firing from 12 inches away.

I don’t think these people are very creative.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that we have more threads on crapping than we do on sex and evolution combined?


I squat on the toilet about 10% of the time. I also sometimes put my feet up on the sink counter, which is directly in front of the toilet.

Spending $115 on the Nature Splat Form just seems goofy.

The squat brings the business end of your ass close to your feet… doing what you suggested wouldn’t get your effluent into the toilet bowl - it would go all over the stool (pun intended).

oh, and yes… just what I need: louder poop splashing.

I wish we could excrete by some sort of mystical evaporation that would remove the horrors of:

(a) ever having to use a public bathroom

(b) ever having to clean a lavatory

© ever having to unblock a lavatory

(d) ever getting “caught short”

(e) all the myriad other things which the excretive process does to thoroughly undermine human dignity and comfort. Such as debating the merits of the OP’s monstrous contraption.

Oh, like I invented this crap (pun intended). :wink:

  • s.e.

Does it come with a little twig that I can insert into an adjacent ant pile so that maybe I can have a snack while I’m squatting like a primate? Maybe a couple of pieces of flint that I can bang together? Where’s Jane Goodall… this damn thing makes me want to fling some feces.

This could be an amusing ‘add-on’ to Nature’s Platform is now getting ridiculous