Ask Michael Ellis (Parte Dos)

Where are you right now?

(Not right now reading this, right now me writing this.)

  1. Santa Cruz, CA (AKA Arkham-on-the-Pacific)

  2. Of course I’m Michael Ellis, who else would I be?

  3. For accusations of stereotypes and prejudices, I can only call them absurd.

Who is Michael Ellis?

I am Michael Ellis

How difficult is it to forge prescriptions for a sodding tiger?




Were you the first Michael Ellis? Will you be the last?

You need at least two years’ experience.

In that order.

I don’t know.

What advice would you give to a young person who is or thinks they might be Michael Ellis?

If you are M.E., who am I?

ADVICE: Aim for the storm drain.

You are you, of course.

How do you feel about splunge?

What can you tell me about Libertarians, guys from Montana, folks with spina bifida, militia guys, nomadic Mormon teenagers, American expats who live in Brazil, chicks from/living in Missouri, right-handed guys, bariatric (weight loss) surgery guys, tax lawyers, and waitresses?

Also - do you feel that being Michael Ellis has helped you or hurt you professionally?

Splunge? No sir, I don’t like it.

I don’t have a profession, actually.

And I can’t tell you anything about those people, except that:

They ain’t me,
They ain’t me,
I ain’t no “Ask The…” thread’s son,
They ain’t me,
They ain’t me,
I ain’t no fortunate one, yeah.


If Michael Ellis falls in the forest and no one’s around, does he make a sound?

What is the sound of one Michael Ellis clapping?

What happens when an unstoppable Michael Ellis meets an immovable Michael Ellis?

How much wood would a Michael Ellis chuck if a Michael Ellis could chuck wood?

How many Michael Ellises does it take to change a lightbulb?

does “Michael Ellis” know he has a booger sticking out of his nose?

Are you reversable?

Do you fit in convenient overhead compartments?
When you first announced to the world that you were, in fact, Michael Ellis, did you overdo the whole “Michael Ellis Lifestyle” as overcompensation for lost time? Did this annoy people already firmly entrenched in the “Michael Ellis Lifestyle?”

No, and no.

I curse this thread by posting my POST OF THE BEAST in it!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!