Ask the Extraterrestial

How did you end up on this backward (but mostly harmless) planet?
How did you get here?


I’m partial to Grateful Dead shirts. Garcia was one of us.

Got caught banging a Sector Overlord’s daughter. The ride here was on an intergalactic garbage scow.

Please, if you are going to take me, take me. Stop hovering over my house, and peeping in the windows. (That tin foil got you for a day or two though! Right)

Do not underestimate the power of the tinfoil. It makes for an efficient way to eliminate obvious defectives from our breeding program.

How do you support those giant heads with those twiggy little bodies?

Those stereotypes were invented by your government. We find them amusing.

What’s yer home planet like?

Using your advanced science is it possible to give a cat a bath without massive blood loss (or your local equivalent of blood)?

It is very shiny.

Cat bathing is high on our list of useful tasks your species can perform after we take over.

What exactly is the “music of the spheres”?

So if you’re taking over then the Vogan demolition fleet was canceled?

Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Ronnie was one of us.

We won exploitation rights when the Vogans went all in on a low straight. The Supreme Overlord, (aka the HMFIC), had a full boat, Aces over tens.

Shiney, Ok, Happy nice as well? Or just shiney like our Earth Hollywood shiney thang, a phantasmagoric gloss and effort in story-telling?

On another bent: What do you think about spiders here on Earth?

Shiney, with good plumbing.

Spiders have to be somewhere, and here is conveniently out of the way.

Spider Robinson, of course, is one of us.

Could you please stop bringing back Whitley Streiber? Next time you take him, just keep him.

Oh My Og…He/She (op) IS for real and knows the TRUTH…why did you take him back WAY too soon??

Oh great Oakminster, if I may ask…'If og is all powerfull can She/He make a rock so heavey that He/She can not lift~?~?
