Ask the surrealist!

Yes, I must no;

How can you feel secure about nostrils when they won’t even fit your budget?

Could it be prudent to oxidize one’s bereavment perchance your nuptials are calorie reduced?

If you come, will it really be built?

This is not a post.

I burning you dog!

[Interrogative word][verb][noun][adverb][verb][noun]?

Does “surreal” really mean “random stuff that makes no sense”? That’s the only message I’m getting from this thread.

No. Quite the contrary, it means random stuff that makes no sense.

I installed new jersey today?

What is it that has two pairs of pants, lives in Philadelphia, and it never rains but it pours?

On the impending eve of the salvation of the dogbodies, what is your salacious intent?

scr4, according to

**surreal- **having the intense irrational reality of a dream

My impression* is that surrealist works do not make sense, but that they have a emotive or cognitive coherence, as opposed to Dadaism, which is intentional gibberish.

*I know, wrong school. Shoot me.

Forever. Dark hounds bring worlds with sanatation.

Quite. Ruffled fondant speaks volumes, alternately linoleum.

Quizzicaly deduced! Forlorn gallery beast beats rapturously on top of sideways.

Now lemme see. Has four pair of pants, lives in Philadelphia. Is it male or female?

if you extrapolated a frog what the answer be?


If you pulled down your pants and there was a moon, sun, stars, planets, comets, and large brown telephone. how would that affect the width of the verbs?

This thunder is a white of Ted. Eye pantaloupe widdle pee putt dog sound.

Underpants. It’s what’s for dinner.

It would depend on the type of frog. The larger the frog, the bigger the cheese required. And you have to control for the stinkyness of the cheese.

The bigger question is where do fish go when they take off their pants at night?

I don’t have time for this; my clock is melting on a tree.