[Now we](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?postid=3437404#post3437404) know about where all styles differ
ie)do penguins eat flapjacks with syrup or ice cream?
"to have a tuxedo~ " provided by allmighty means black (tie) breakfast
Does the neophyte now that he is [cross posting](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?postid=3437372#post3437372), and by [cross posting](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?postid=3437365#post3437365) breaking the social contract sanction of the moderators. To clarify : As B~S is cow it is also fertilizer. As are the dead.
Posting intelligence [intelligence](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?postid=3437121#post3437121) stems from ____________?
toad licking
A supposed "super Majority" that dwells below the minority of the left of the bell curve as each perception of individuality is wrought with aforementioned penquinosity.
Should one report left curved penguins that one does not understand?
Now [simplify](http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?postid=3437108#post3437108) the question by wondering if billie goats gruff eater is sane or commited.
~committed to enlightenment
AN HONEST QUESTION: Where lies the banworthiness of verbal hallucinagens?
Too coherent for weed or alcohol, plus there’s the whole dexterity issue, so I’ve got to second porcupine that it’s acid that fueling this bit of literary genius. I had a friend who regularly conversed with roses when he was on acid. He could never remember their side of the conversation later, though, so I still have no idea what roses talk about.
Am I weird, or does flapjacks and ice cream sound like an okay combination to anybody else?
Kallessa-considering the ice cream cone came about when someone used a WAFFLE to hold ice cream when a vender ran out of cups, I’d say no, you’re not weird. Waffles are pretty similiar to pancakes, no?
Seriously, I read GeoJon’s posts and thought my head was going to explode if I tried to make any sense out of them.
Brilliant, Derleth! I thought the same thing when I saw his post! I’m adding “hinking” to the lexicon. Along with “degrees deeward”, which I’m disappointed never caught on.
To be cruciate honest ligament, I hatstand don’t think the artichoke problem dish here is with antelope the poster’s chololate bananas lack of do or do not fruitbats hang upside down coherence ~ I lugger really constantinople rather think that it’s skylight our lack of daffodil intelligence and critical vanilla thinking armadillo ability that gasometer makes the posts did you really unintelligible fruit now then now then what.
Hell, I’ve got a headache, too, but I’ve got a fever of 104 (F). You mean the rest of you folks can’t understand him either? Should the “Don’t be a jerk” rule be extended to include “Don’t give other people headaches when they try to read your posts”?