What color is your jabberwocky?

After a long night of churning butter at thelocal hair gazer’s pond, I like to sit back and relish my thought over a nice warm cup of asparagus juice. Is it the same time of feeling them they think I said?

Any and all replies welcome.

::Nods And Smiles:: Yeah! [sub]what the…

And the award for Most Confusing Sentence Using Everyday Words goes to…that guy!

Any and all replies? How 'bout this? Why don’t you keep all your inane posts in a single thread?

That’s BORING. I believe this forum’s title is “Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share”. Hmm… POINTLESS stuff I must share. Well, I wrote some pointless stuff. It doesn’t say “Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share IN ONE THREAD ONLY”, now does it? That answer will suffice you. If you have any other problems, sir, please, feel free to speak to my talent agent, Cerenzio the Ellacadabbra Bar-Bringer.

Moderator’s Notes: Please notice the moderator title under my name. If I find you’ve opened additional threads merely for more of your vacuous bullshit, I’ll delete them. I see you have also placed some “poems” in the BBQ Pit. In separate threads. Since you seem to be an expert already on the proper use of our forums, maybe you’d care to share your rationale for placing them there.

Finally, let me quote this from your user agreement; it should seem very familiar to you. You should have read it just a short time ago.

Got that? Good.

Well, first of all, I’ve been a member of this board for all of 15 minutes. Can you explain what I did wrong to me, like a professional moderator, and not like an asshole? Now that that’s cleared up. I posted them there because I had been in this forum for a few minutes already, and simply forgot that I switched forums, simple. And Like I said previously, this forums name IS “Mundane POINTLESS STUFF…”. Well the things I’ve written here ARE pointless, which is obviously, ON TOPIC. Thanks dude…

Moderator’s Notes: You can LOL your ass off in the Pit now. Which is where I’m moving this thread. The Pit is also the proper forum for comments on moderator actions. Nor is calling anyone an asshole permitted in MPSIMS.

Asshole, indeed.

Well, when you call my stuff “bullshit”, I retaliate. Thank you.

You forgot vacuous. I called your stuff vacuous bullshit.

WOW…You’re intelligent now, sir.


2 hours till ban-dom. Opening bids start at two hours…

I’ll see your two hours and raise you a half an hour, making my guesstimate 1.5 hours (or would that be lowering you?).

Regardless, I’d also like to start a wager that before all is said and done we’ll come to find out that this is a repeat offender using a new user name.

I’d also wager that his final post count will end up smaller than his age…

Too late for that already, beagledave. :rolleyes:

Though I see that much of this twerp’s handiwork is vanishing. Must be a leak in the forum or something. Pity.

JoeyImage, refrain from posting ANY more “poems” in any of the Straight Dope forums. While they are certainly mundane and pointless, they do not need to be shared. If you continue to post such…things, I will remove your posting privileges.

Lynn Bodoni
For the Straight Dope

Was it wrong to notice that the last poster on this thread was Lynn and think to myself, “Joe’s in trou-ouble, Joe’s in trou-ouble”?

jayjay (my vote is “no”)

I think this guy Joe is kinda cool.

…every time I have to work on a weekend, the damn board goes absolutely apeshit! What IS this crap? And how come I always miss it after it’s…well, old news? My boss can go fly up a dog’s ass the next time he asks me to work on Sundays. **NO **more!

BTW, Joey, darling…stop being a cheese whiz. The mods don’t like it, we don’t like it, and the ** BIG L** (my new fond nick for Lynn) doesn’t like it either.

Get it? Got it?
Good damn deal.

Just mind your manners. It’s that easy. Really.

Oh! And I think your fifteen minutes of fame are now officially over. Thanks for visiting!

Flesh coloured, and I ain’t showing it to you.

I suppose in your short life here, you forgot to read the register agreement, huh Joey? And when you’re called on it by the relevant moderator, you “retaliate”. Shit, your mother must be proud of you. When she gives you Fruit Loops instead of Corn Flakes, do you retaliate as well?

What a joke.