So I had a long thread that was completely mundane and pointless. It was in MPSIMS, the correct forum for it.
Then, you came along and locked it, saying this. With a link to this snide comment.
I broke no rules. What the fuck pissed you off?
Mine was a game. In that game, there were lots of things brought up. It had poetry, links, stories (both fiction and real), plus people getting to know each other. And, it had a lot of mindless, pointless things. It was fascinating to watch. Yeah, I pushed for it to go to 2k, then 3k, but I didn’t get there alone. Apparantly some others enjoyed as well. It’s view count showed it had about 6 to 1 watchers to posters, too. Somebody was enjoying it.
As to your snide ass remark about padding post counts, fuck you, man. If you knew me as a poster at all, you would know that personal post count means nothing to me. Go look at my 5k post thread to see what I mean. Look up the link yourself, you thread closing bastard.
But, since you closed Davebear’s and Flamme’s long threads also, I thought maybe there was a vB problem with long threads. Is there? Is there? If so, say so, instead of taking uncalledfor potshots at those of us participating. (ftr, in each of these threads, there were about 10 to 15 heavy posters, with a slew of one timers and few timers.) Also, without that thread, there would have been a lot of minor threads bringing up each new point and getting attention from nearly the same people, I’m sure. All MPSIMS. Either way is following the rules, as far as I can tell.
So, how about an official rule behind the closings, hmmm?
Since this is the Pit, I fully expect to get some flames myself. I know that not everybody here enjoys me or my posting style. But, I have enough e-mails and posts in other threads of mine to know that there are some people who really enjoy me and/or my stuff. Some, both.
So, what gives, Unclebeer?