Why, Unclebeer?

So I had a long thread that was completely mundane and pointless. It was in MPSIMS, the correct forum for it.

Then, you came along and locked it, saying this. With a link to this snide comment.

I broke no rules. What the fuck pissed you off?

Mine was a game. In that game, there were lots of things brought up. It had poetry, links, stories (both fiction and real), plus people getting to know each other. And, it had a lot of mindless, pointless things. It was fascinating to watch. Yeah, I pushed for it to go to 2k, then 3k, but I didn’t get there alone. Apparantly some others enjoyed as well. It’s view count showed it had about 6 to 1 watchers to posters, too. Somebody was enjoying it.

As to your snide ass remark about padding post counts, fuck you, man. If you knew me as a poster at all, you would know that personal post count means nothing to me. Go look at my 5k post thread to see what I mean. Look up the link yourself, you thread closing bastard.

But, since you closed Davebear’s and Flamme’s long threads also, I thought maybe there was a vB problem with long threads. Is there? Is there? If so, say so, instead of taking uncalledfor potshots at those of us participating. (ftr, in each of these threads, there were about 10 to 15 heavy posters, with a slew of one timers and few timers.) Also, without that thread, there would have been a lot of minor threads bringing up each new point and getting attention from nearly the same people, I’m sure. All MPSIMS. Either way is following the rules, as far as I can tell.

So, how about an official rule behind the closings, hmmm?

Since this is the Pit, I fully expect to get some flames myself. I know that not everybody here enjoys me or my posting style. But, I have enough e-mails and posts in other threads of mine to know that there are some people who really enjoy me and/or my stuff. Some, both.

So, what gives, Unclebeer?

I was hoping someone would start this Pitting. Thanks, NoClue Boy.

I call BIGTIME bullshit here. These forums exist for the enjoyment of the people posting in them. You closed about 10 threads that people were having fun in for no apparent reason. They were too long? So they were popular. Is it a policy to close popular threads?

Then CajunMan comes and closes another thread about closing the threads with the comment “If you don’t like the way we run the SDMB, there are plenty of other forums you can participate in.”


I would think being a MPISMS moderator has to be right up there with changing bedpans for thankless, upaid jobs. Imagine having to wade through and keep up with 68 pages of inanity. I’d rather put my scrotum in a vice. Be thankful that thus far Uncle Beer has only closed threads, and has put his plans to go on an 8 state shooting spree on hold for the fall.

68 pages? Holy shit!

There’s a thread in the Pit asking why the board is too slow.

There’s a thread in the Pit asking why humongous joke threads in MPSIMS were closed.

Someday, the twain shall meet.

It was time to free up the front page of MPSIMS for some other discussions. There’s a very limited amount of real estate there. It’s not fair for a small group of posters to co-opt it to their own use for an extended period of time. Which is exactly what happens anytime someone posts to that thread; it forces another thread back to the second page.

And if we see a shitload of individual threads on the front page from relatively few posters, we tell them to cool it, too. Got limited resources to share here; you’re gonna hafta consider folks besides yourself.

Anyway, if y’all are “getting to know each other” as you say, then exchange friggin’ e-mail addresses and take it there. Or find a chatroom. Either of those is an excellent solution once a group of people have made initial contact and decide they wish to continue. Neither of these solutions steals resources from the rest of the SDMB community members

Yep. 40,000+ people. Not eight, or ten.

I realize moderating is a thankless task … and that the decisions are always bound to piss someone off…

I was just shocked by the spree and the comments at the ends of the threads seemed mean. Fine close them… I totally understand that… but don’t be spiteful about it … especially the game threads.

There’s a discussion here.

Is there a correlation? I really want to know.

Unclebeer, why didn’t you give that type of reason in the first place? Why did you have go off about it?

FTR, I accept your explanation from this thread and thank you for playing Answer My Gripe.

Apparently we just need to change the thread title more often. As long as we start a new thread every so often - say once a week - it sounds like that’ll make everyone happy.

Forget the link. I didn’t preview and see that UncleBeer had arrived.

Well, I enjoyed the link. It shows both sides of the issue.

No, because that doesn’t fix the “you’re hogging the front page real estate for what could be handled in an E-mail discussion group” issue.

SDMB posts are stored in a database. More posts make the database larger. A larger database takes longer to search. Longer searches make the SDMB load slower for everyone who isn’t searching.

Little games and things are fun for a while, but, as mentioned in the other thread on this subject in IMHO, they get to a point where new users stop posting and a few people go on and on and keep bumping the thread up to the top, sinking other threads that have a wider audience to the second page.

As UncleBeer pointed out, YOU POSTED 463 TIMES IN ONE THREAD, NOCLUEBOY! I mean, DAMN! :eek: I can’t even imagine…

I probably would’ve posted that many times in other threads in that same time period. (Almost 3 months) What’s the big deal to you if it’s in one thread? :slight_smile: For some perspective, look at the OMFG(L…) thread. :stuck_out_tongue:
But, it’s all over now anyways. Even got a reasonably non snarky explanation from the Mod. Now, except for that vB database Q, I’m pretty much over it.


That’s 3241 in dog posts.


You guys should thank the mods for letting it go that long!


I will admit I just don’t get it. I was looking at the Song Title thread. Given the number of posts I would have imagined the discussion must have evolved from just posting names of songs to a fascinating hijack that had captured the imagination of a few dedicated people. I was wrong, somehow people just kept going with the same thing.

I am not pitting anyone, and it didn’t hurt me in the least. I just can’t imagine what people were getting out of that thread besides increased post counts. I also have trouble understanding why anyone would care that it was closed.

In the interest of full disclosure I posted there once early on.

UncleBeer and I shared an e-mail over this issue. I didn’t think it warranted a pit thread at the time (if he wants to quote from the e-mail, that’s fine with me), but I understand his reasoning, and look at the rash of thread closures the same way I look at cleaning out the refrigerator. Sometimes stuff is in there so long that it’s lost its flavor, and while it still may be edible, who’d want to eat it? Trashing some of the stuff that has been in the fridge for a long time makes room for fresher, tastier groceries. So, what I’m trying to say is, thanks for cleaning out the fridge, UncleBeer.

For the last time…

We were playing around. Why would anyone care about post counts anyways? I know several with almost double mine that rarely say anything I’m personally interested in. And some who don’t post even half what I do in twice the time who’s posts are full of wit, wisdom, and interesting things.

So they’re closed now. The main reason for this pitting was the snarky way he closed them down. Apparantly I won’t get an apology for his snide comments thrown my way, but at least this thread did get me a reasonable answer.

It wouldn’t have come to the Pit if he hadn’t been a peevish ass about it. THAT is my main point. It’s in the first 3 lines of my OP.
Now, to the database Q, I guess I’ll go ask in ATMB. Because I really want to know.