Cat rant thread

My Riley will do this too. I even got him one of those fancy running water dishes, no dice.

I’ve caught him drinking out of my glass many times, it doesn’t matter what’s in there as long as it’s cold. Water, iced tea, milk, juice, he’ll try it. He doesn’t really like pop, I think the bubbles bother him. He doesn’t like coffee or hot tea either, so if I’m drinking out of a mug he leaves it alone. So now I drink from a mug most of the time no matter what I’m drinking.

He just discovered his reflection the other day. He’s almost four years old and never paid any attention to a mirror before now. I heard this racket coming from the bedroom and found him on my dresser swatting at the mirror and growling. I said “Riley, what the heck are you doing?” He jumped like I startled him and slunk off almost like he was embarrassed. Then I had to clean the paw prints off the mirror. If it happens again I’ll try to get video. :smiley:

I watched a mouse …

The other day I had a dream.

I don’t want to call it a sex dream but one of those dreams where you think you’re in love with someone.

In the dream, I’m sitting on the couch making out with the love of my life. She starts nibbling on my ear. It tickled! The sensation was so intense that I eventually woke up.

When I did, I see the cat has his little wet nose stuck inside my ear.

What he found so interesting in there; I don’t know.

So basically, I made out with my cat.

I’m not sure I like that.

My dear, sweet Mayhem is another licker of plastic bags. Also plastic shower curtains, and (when I had them) pleated blinds. With the exception of the blinds, which were extremely noisy due to rough-cat-tongue on fabric, it’s not really the licking that makes the noise. It’s this thing she does after every lick–sorta like the classic “dog eating peanut butter” thing, where she rolls her tongue all 'round her mouth. I tend to make the bag go away so she’ll stop. :stuck_out_tongue:

Another endearing habit (which comes and goes; it’s been more “come” than go lately) is the sitting off across the room mewing at me bizness. I’m fairly certain this almost always means “I want wet cat food treats now!” which, because I am a mean old human, I ignore unless it is actually time for the WCFTs. It definitely doesn’t mean “pet me,” because if I try to do that she acts offended and runs off. And it DEFINITELY doesn’t mean “pick me up,” because nothing in the world means that. Though I do it sometimes out of spite. :wink:

Meh, my kitty has had hyperthyroid disease for a few years now and was just diagnosed with early stages of renal disease. Which explains the constant peeing all over the house. Which is driving me crazy and making me not want another cat, ever, after this one finally croaks. I love the little guy, but I am really, really, really tired of sick pets peeing everywhere. It’s hell on the hardwood floors.

When I was in college, I had this cat who loved to nuzzle anyone who had long hair. He’d climb up on your shoulder, jam his nose in your ear, knead his paws in your neck and purr like he just swallowed a lawnmower. One day, I was alone in the house, and very, very stoned, watching TV while laying on the couch. The kitty was lying across my chest, in full on nuzzle position, front paws happily kneading holes in my skull with his nose buried in my hair. He started kicking me with his back feetz.

WTF? I wondered, and picked him up off my chest. I noticed his little kitty weenie was sticking out and just as I noticed the erect kitty weenie, he shot his little kitty load right over my head. So glad it didn’t hit me in the face! :smiley: I screamed and tossed him across the room. He smoked a cigarette and took a nap. (Kidding about the cigarette.) I tell everyone this story (it’s a cautionary tale) because it’s so embarrassing, I think it’s hilarious. So yeah. My cat got off on me.

I think I want to kill myself after reading that. :eek:

For the win!

Ahahahah! Dogzilla, that is an awesome story.

Cat, the cat we had when I was a teen, marked me once. Came in while I was watching TV, nosed around the room, nosed around me, carefully backed up and sprayed me.

Screaming and cat-chasing ensued. He never tried it again.

To make it even more odd, he was fixed and wasn’t an habitual sprayer. Still don’t know what that was about.

Most of my complaints about the current cats aren’t about the cats as much as my fellow humans who feel the need to create spoiled obnoxious brats out of perfectly nice, normal cats. But I won’t post those, they’d just tick people off.

Good thing you didn’t have a Great Dane.

Yea! I’ve never won a thread before! :smiley:

I knew that story would come in handy some day!

We had a cat decades ago (well, we had two, but the older one was from the pound and I think realized he’d lucked into a Good Place and why bother escaping).

Sweetest cat in the world, but dumb as a box of rocks. Abandoned, along with his sister, when the owners moved out (and there must be a special place in hell for people who do that). The sister disappeared, but a neighbor (friend of ours) contacts us and asked if we’d take the other cat.

Well, he was used to being an outdoor cat. What’s not to like? There was someone who fed him (our friend), I was coming over and giving him regular scritchies to get him used to us before we could take him home… so he kept bolting for the door.

Took getting his head slammed in the door 2-3 times when when we didn’t get it closed quite fast enough, before he quit trying.

Different cat, owned by my in-laws: they let all 3 of their cats go outdoors. Even after one of the cats lost an eye (due to a fight, I think). Yeah, he wound up getting hit by a car - poor kitty couldn’t see well enough. But he WANTED TO GO OUT and it woulda been cruel to keep him in, right? :smack:.

Tape a piece of cardboard on the inside, with just enough play that you can hook your fingers into the drawer to pull. This will prevent clothing from being accessible.

And/or, line the opening with sticky tape of some sort. It’ll annoy you but maybe distract the cat long enough to dissuade him from the habit.

Apparently, the best place in the whole world to be is on my pillow when I am also using it. The problem is, we have two cats. They couldn’t possibly share the pillow with me. They have to fight over it.

Every hour or so while I am asleep I hear, ‘Hiss, hiss, rowr!’ as one of them ousts the other one.

Can’t you go sleep on someone else’s head?

Lets see:

Dewey loves to lick my wife’s nose, and not just the tip, he positions himself so that she gets both nostrils cleaned out. He also has a habit of getting onto the roof and then forgetting how to get down until I go around to the retaining wall next to the house and calling him.

Nimitz despite being katnapped and spending a month wandering the country-side still wants to go next door and monster their cats but is slowly getting used to eing an indoor cat. He has a habit of lying on my chest, purring like mad and then ‘changing gears’, he makes a slightly higher pitched gurgle and then his purring becomes much deeper - solidly in ‘happy cat’ mode.

Mishka has a toy which is a small plastic ball with a bell inside which is in turn enclosed in a plastic ‘donut’ with paw sized holes in it. She can play with that for hours, just lying on the floor batting this little ball around in circles - swat tinkle tinkle tinkle swat tinkle tinkle tinkle swat tinkle tinkle tinkle

Minou my sweet, you are a terrific mouser. Now, if you could catch the ones inside and take them out, not catch the ones outside and bring them in and let them loose for everyone’s entertainment I’d very much appreciate it.

I love my cats, but one of them seems to enjoy standing outside my bedroom door and making an awful howling noise. Normally I think my cats’ noises are cute, but this one is just annoying.

Many years ago my wife and I were resting in bed on a Sunday morning when we heard the screech of car tires outside our apartment. When we went out about an hour later we found a half mangled cat on the front porch. Without much hope we found an open vet’s office and took it (turned out to be a him) in.

We told the vet the story. He set a broken leg and wired the broken jaw and washed blood off. Charged us 50% because of what we’d done.

Of course, we put up signs looking for an owner. No dice. After a couple of months, he healed up. We named him “The Pestilence”, or Pest, for short. He weighed about nine pounds (our female tabbies weighed more) and had absolutely no fear. He intimidated our two cats and then would go out into the night looking to get into fights with giant toms.

He insisted on sleeping in bed between us. Would yowl until he got his way. He sprayed. And had other bad traits.

Eventually we found him a cat friendly barn to move into. Never heard about him again and I’m not sorry.

We had the two tabbies for many years afterward.

So, my darling, sweet Bengal kitty has been pooping behind the curtains. Both of them. The full-length curtains we pull down & across the street-facing picture window at night to dissuade any would-be burglars from a smash-and-grab for the plasma TV.

I’ve sprayed the shit (literally) out of them with disinfectant and cat-repellent but, it never fails, if the curtains are down, he wants to do his business in the little cave behind them.

So now it’s kitty vs. burglar. And I sure as hell know he ain’t stopping any burglars.

Thinking I should just hang a curtain in front of the litter box…

AWESOME idea, thank you! Totally going to try the cardboard baffle first, then the 2 sided tape bit if that doesn’t do it. I was trying to come up with a fix and getting nothing that didn’t involve tools and hard labor. Thanks! :smiley: