Cat rant thread

I am so glad you posted this, as it means that Psycho Kitty probably isn’t insane. She’ll do the same thing if I don’t take her upstairs with me when I go to bed. Even if she sees me go up the stairs, once the lights go out she starts up and sometimes I even have to go back out to the head of the stairs to let her see me before she’ll come up.

Weird cat. :smiley:

I should also thank our cat Dewey, who, in the middle of one of his ‘cat crazies’ was racing around the house and knocked over our 2 1/2 year-old son.

Son #2 smacked his head on the kitchen tiles, threw up and then tried to fall asleep on the couch. A day spent in ER after an ambulance trip because the kid had a concusson.

Goddamn it. I’m tired of reading this as

Cant Rant Thread.

Lost my cat a couple months ago. As much as I loved him…that rotten thing could be insanely annoying.
He would wake me up in the early morning hours by trying to nurse on me. On one of my nips if he could get to it, my eyebrow otherwise.
If I lay down on the couch to watch TV he would stand on my chest, blocking my view, turning in circles until I placed my left arm exactly the way he wanted. Then he would crouch down and begin “kneading” me and purring crazily, usually taking it (the kneading) to extremes. He had a lot of stamina. Once that was out of the way he would bury his face in my neck and sleep during which he would randomly sink his front claws into my skin.
He was a full time indoor cat but his constant misson was to sneak out and stand in the street. He learned that when I let the dog out he could run along under the dog and slip out. It was a constant struggle.
He was always ready to help with my computer activities, mainly by standing between me and the screen, preferably on the keyboard.
His other life long misson was to check to see if the laws of gravity were still in effect, as often as possible, by pushing anything that could be pushed off, off of whatever it could be pushed off of.
I miss him terribly.

Well the last of my 3 senior kitty compadres sadly passed last summer.
So what demon possessed me to take 2 homeless kittens in Sept? I am currently in kitten energy hell. No prized possession is off limits according to the feline demons. Fuckers.

Ah, I had one of those. Piers brought in moles, snakes, baby rabbits…and two fully grown squirrels. So proud of that boy :slight_smile:

My cat is a bag-licker, too. She adds another dimension to it - she gets her paw up, too, and alternates between licking the bag and licking her paw. I don’t have a clue why.

It sounds like Meowzebub is a good name for a wild and crazy kitty!

My understanding about plastic lickers is that they like the powder that is on the grocery bags. I also understand its not harmful, just really annoying.

Bob buries the food dishes. All of the food dishes, not just his. He claws against the tiles over and over, then moves to the next dish and buries it as well. If we put any dishes close to the area rug, he tries to use that to cover them.

Lucky digs for water. He goes to the fountain, and unburies it before he can drink.

I read that cats do not like the water dish too close to the food as often the food gets in the water and contaminates it. Don’t know if that’s really the reason or not but most of them do seem to prefer some distance between food and water.

From what I understand, you are kinda right. Their little pea brains don’t put food/toys/area rugs in water = bad water. Its because cats evolved to get their water requirements from their food and with their natural diet rarely drink, so they could be picky about how fresh their water was.

Now most cats eat kibble and don’t get their water from their food, but are still picky about how fresh their water is.

Dang, that was kinda preachy.

Spike came to me with a badly broken jaw. I’m pretty sure he has neuro damage because of the head injury. The cats had a room that had lattice walls, so they could go out a kitty door and be “outside”. Spike could go out the kitty door into their room, but because of the steps, he couldn’t figure out how to come in. In the middle of the summer, I would find my poor brain dead cat sleeping with his paws around the water bowl and his face in the water.

I think this thread is a great idea, but why the hell are there no pictures of these damn cats?

My cat, Squirrel, hasn’t done anything lately, but since she is dumber than a bag of hair I’ll have something to share eventually!

Who shoots cats and why? Is there a gang of juvenile delinquents with BB guns up there in the High Desert, or are you in some part of the world where cats are considered an invasive species?

I once had a cat bring a live snake into the house and turn it loose.

Problem is that I’m ophidiophobic.

My current cat has her own quirks, such as an apparent mental issue with small objects on any flat surface. Paper seems to really bother her, judging by how frantically she paws until the object in question gets dumped onto the floor. She also has problems when one of the humans is in bed and the other isn’t. She’ll keep scratching and meowing at the door (and she’s a Siamese or mix thereof) until it’s opened and she can change sides. The really annoying bit is when she does this again not very long after, going the other direction.

Not so much about cats as about humans…

We’re working in this factory that’s basically in the middle of nowhere. The address has several extra lines because if you just give the official address to people, they do not find it. There’s a bunch of cats here.

My coworkers are all Madrid-born-and-raised; none of them has ever had a pet of any kind.

Coworker 1: “man, that tiger cat sure is fat!”
Coworker 2: “one of the black ones too points
Me: “It’s not fat, they’re lady cats.”
Coworkers, having stopped dead in their tracks: “You mean they’re… pregnant???”
Me: “Yeeees, and if you ask how did it happen** I’ll find a hardcover book and hit you.”
Coworkers: “:facepalm:”
** Apparently it’s the traditional, instinctive response of men, or at least Spanish ones, the first time their wife tells them “I’m pregnant”. The amount of jokes on that question could fill several airport books.

Paddy cries.

I don’t mean that he yowls or meows. I mean he cries.

Cat has serious abandonment issues. If he doesn’t see at least one of his people in a 36-hour period, he panics. We’ll come home from a vacation (when a neighbor has fed him twice a day) and he’ll run yelling to us, bury his face as hard as he can into the holder’s chest, and just open up. I’m talking eyes, sinuses, everything. He’ll soak his person in snot and tears.

Then he’ll run around the house breaking shit for two days. Anything and everything he can reach is fair game. Then he’s back to normal. But that part isn’t unusual, from what I understand.

My cat Pixel drools like mad when purring, the only time she drools don’t worry. And then when the drool annoys her whiskers she shakes her head and the drool oh god, it just gets in my eyes. Also one time when I was taking a sip of tea? She shook her head and SO MUCH KITTY DROOL flew in my mouth.

Here, have a photo

I remember reading an Archie comic that summed this up perfectly - Archie’s dad was holding the door for the family dog, saying, “You always seem to be on the wrong side of this.” :smiley:

I remember coming home from a week’s vacation to find Little Guy just standing in the dining room looking angry rather than meeting me at the door. I walked over, picked him up and went to kiss him. He stretched up and bit me on the forehead. When I went “Ow!”, he suddenly launched into licking the crap out of every square inch of my face and head, purring like a mofo. And then he hugged my face as hard as he could, front legs wrapped around my neck.

“I’m angry that you were gone!”
“But I am so happy to see you now!”


God, he was an awesome cat. Six and a half years after he died I still have his picture up on my refrigerator and stop occasionally to smile and rest my head against it. I count the times I dream about him as great prizes.

One thing I’ve noticed is that when dogs are bad, they’re just regular bad; when cats are bad, they’re diabolical. I’ve posted here before about my cat’s delight in taking socks, dishcloths, gloves, etc., and draping them over the edge of the water dish so they wick all the water out into a pool on the floor. I’ve even given her a personal water dish out of the dogs’ reach in case she was protesting being forced to drink dog backwash, but her behavior hasn’t changed.

Night before last I heard a horrifying crash down in the kitchen and I dashed downstairs to find that she had thrown my spice rack onto the floor, shattering 2 bottles (made of that thick old-fashioned glass that splinters into flakes). The spice rack itself is wrought iron and considerably outweighs the cat, so she had to put some effort into getting it off the counter, the little bitch.

The most annoying thing about her is that just when I’m the angriest about her shenanigans she sneaks up onto the sofa next to the dogs and starts pedaling on their blanket with that indescribable expression of cat contentment on her face, and then I’m forced to start liking her again :mad:.

The split house STILL continues here. Yesterday Lucy and Dot were hanging out just fine, Mayme was in my room. I unearthed the baby gate, installed in the doorway between the living room and the hallway. Taped a towel above it to provide height. Taped to the wall and to the baby gate. I thought it was pretty durable.

Dot jumped through the towel in like 5 minutes. Okay, Dot can go between the two, so I’m okay with that. Then Mayme managed to hop her 13 pounds of fury over and it was on. She went after Lucy, Lucy ended up going after Dot. Poor Dot didn’t know what the freak was going on. SO, back to separate rooms. I’ll bring Dot out in a little bit to hang with Lucy again - she does get over it very fast.

The irony - Mayme and Lucy will chitter at each other through the doors, bat at each others paws, etc.