
Just because I’m curious, do you mind revealing what you’re taking?

I took SSRIs for almost a decade (and quit several years ago) and I’m curious what off-label drugs are also being tried.

Adderall :slight_smile: I’ve had a near-miraculous response to it and no negative side effects. It’s not an uncommon off-label use for depression, from what I can gather.

Whoops, premature posting > theory is that some types of depression respond to norepinephrine and dopamine agents, while other types may be serotonin-involved (SSRI) (I’m being very reductive here).

Just because your depression is situational does not mean that there is no chemical problem. The body compensates for extreme emotional pain just as it does for physical pain. The brain chemistry does change in many cases, the nervous system depresses response to ease stress. It doesn’t always switch back on it’s own, even after the stressor is gone.