Do you generally prefer to sit or stand while showering?

^But. . .you’re The Walking Dude!!! Sitting in the shower? Heck, you should be marching in place.

I like to sit. It’s nice not to have to worry about slipping the entire time. It’s also much more comforting than taking a bath when you are really stressed.

Don’t get me wrong: I actually stand to do most of the actual showering. But I love showering at my grandfather’s house, which has a seat and a detachable shower head. (And you feel a lot cleaner being able to directly rinse off your underside.)

The only time I’ve seen it done is my wife, while shaving her legs.

I always sit in the shower. No seat necessary. I use the floor.

My wife thinks I am a maniac but my children have inherited my Sit-In-The-Shower gene.

I don’t see how you’d be able to wash your buttocks if you’re sitting.

Well you can still stand for the parts that need standing.

Stand. And working in the medical supply industry, I know people sit down to shower. We sell enough shower chairs.

My mother lived to be 92, and for the last several years of her life she had to sit on a stool in the shower. She also had a hand-rail to help her get in and out.

I’m glad I still have that hand-rail installed, because now that I’m in my 60s I sometimes need to use it. And that stool is in the basement, waiting for its inevitable use.

One summer, between semesters, I worked a day job and a night job. It was this crazy awful schedule, where I had to work, say, from 10PM to 6AM, and then from 9AM to 6PM. So I got sleep in three-hour bits where I could, and when I had a day off, I slept all day. (My mom, 10 years later, told me she used to open the door to make sure I was still alive.) The night job was waitressing at Denny’s, and I’d come home smelling of stale oil and cigarettes. I couldn’t bear to sleep like that without showering. So I’d go and sit in the shower seat under the hot water and weep from exhaustion.

But other than that summer, I’ve never showered sitting down.

I agree.

Do those who sit have longer showers, on average, than those who stand? That would be my guess, and it sounds rather a wasteful practice when it’s a healthy person doing it.

Actually, I did hear of one case (aside from this thread).
I my undergrad dorm, we only had showers. One girl wanted to take a bath, and figured out she could do it by putting a sponge over the drain and sitting on it.
So she sat down in the shower in order to take a bath. It’s clever in a monkey-stacks-up-the-blocks-to-reach-the-suspended-banana kind of way.

I quite often sit or lay down in the tub while the shower is running. I find the pelting from the streams of hot water to be quite relaxing. But I don’t think that’s the same as “sit while showering” since I’m not actually doing anything to clean myself. When my break is over, I stand up and do all the cleaning stuff.

Does anyone else do a hand stand in the shower? To clean the private parts really well…

I tried that once. It didn’t end well. I can still hear the laughter of the EMTs.

Standing-showerer here. I’ve practically never seen a shower with room for any sort of sitting apparatus. Though I could see the charm in being able to sit down, lean against a wall and let that hot water just pound down on me.

I do the same from time to time, especially if I have a bad hangover. It’s quite relaxing.

I have a seat in the shower (a plastic stool, really). I sit to brush my teeth and shave. It’s pretty common (near universal) in Japan. The shower is not over the bathtub, btw.

You can also get all kinds of seats - some that have a channel through the middle to allow access the the nether regions - for cleaning and … other stuff.

I have long hair, which I don’t wash every day. So shower-sitting is not really an option, because I’d end up with all the water coming down on top of my head rather than my preferred position of straight onto the chest.

Apart from that it sounds kind of nice though…

Same here.

I squat.