Men urinating sitting

Are there lots or only a few men who will urinate sitting down, detesting urinals and urinating standing up? Is the act of urinating standing up tied to the male chromosome or something?


The only time I will is if I’m defecating as well.

Why not always sit? It seems weird. Why? I have no idea…probably because I don’t do it. Why don’t I? Standing is easier.

I do both. Why not? Just because one can stand to pee doesn’t mean one necessarily must do so. Besides, now I can claim I’m fighting the patriarchy in solidarity with feminists over the world.

But I probably won’t.

I’m not a neat freak or anything, but I sit at home because there’s absolutely zero splashing. I do not sit when I’m out because I dislike any unnecessary contact with splash-prone surfaces.

Of course, if you have someone to clean up your splashes, then go right ahead and stand. Although I personally would feel bad for making somebody else deal with my mess.

This is another case where society’s convention is wrong and illogical, but everybody follows it without really thinking about it.

I don’t stand because I have to, I stand because I can. It’s easier and quicker. Get in, get out, get on with your life.

I had knee surgery a couple of years ago, and getting on and off the toilet was a real pain. Added to the unpleasant side effects of Vicodaine it made for quite an unpleasant recovery.Who is this old fart who’s been posting under my name lately?

Your OP was a little vague–are you asking, given the choice of urinal and toilet, which do we use, or given the choice between using a toilet standing up or sitting down, which do we choose?

Unless it’s a public bathroom with toilet seats of questionable cleanliness, I sit. I see no need to pee on the floor if I don’t have to. If all there is is a toilet, I will pee standing rarely.

I always sit, because the direction of the piss is unpredictable, I would rather it go in the toilet than on my shoes and other clothing, and it saves me having to hold ‘it’. Personally I don’t get why it’s almost an unwritten rule that men must stand, like you are not a man if you pee sitting. It’s ***** stupid.

To facilitate a sitting piss, one must unbuckle belt, unzip fly, pull down pants and take the position and piss, do a sitting shiver and a shake (careful not to actually touch anything down there), stand up, pull up pants, tuck in as necesary, and buckle the belt.

Standard Piss: zip, yank, point, shoot, shiver, tuck, zip.

and people cant figure out why theres a line in womens bathrooms… :dubious:

and I swear some of these cretins skip the “point” portion of the Standard piss procedure.

Oh poor everyone! how terribly difficult and time consuming it must be to unbuckle your pants and sit on a toilet.

well, personally I cant stand that sudden cold feeling on my butt. Once a day is quite enuf, thank you.

but as far as you sarcastic implication, taking down your pants to sit on a toilet is more difficult and time consuming than just unzipping and whipping it out. Its not the most arduous, most time consuming activity in the world but its certainly not the most efficient way to take a piss.

Lobsang, I don’t understand your hostility. No one is trying to take away your right to sit down. It’s not that it’s too difficult to sit, it’s just that it’s easier to stand and some of us manage to do it without pissing on our shoes.

Forgive my hostility. I dislike standing up because of the risk of staining pants etc.

Only if I’m going to read.

I am assuming you are American - Are most american toilets made of metal? I never get a sudden cold feeling from sitting. Most of the bogs I sit on have either wooden or plastic ‘seats’.

What my method lacks in efficiency it makes up for in safety and comfort. I try to avoid public toilets alltogether, and When I go at home I usually do both.

And I don’t take pisses, I ‘have’ them.

Sorry if I came across as hostile.

I pretty much have to sit. Prince Albert piercings can cause significant directional control issues.

When at home, with a toilet, I always sit. When out, and there is significant question to the sanitary quality of the toilet, I stand but prefer urinals as it is less likely that I’ll side-spray down my leg than with the greater distance from MiniJoe to the toilet. Of course, standing does require the use of a “hand shield” manuever to prevent drips from depositing themselves on the front of the pants which is, admittedly, quite nasty and why I always was my hands.

Mean “TMI” Joe

Interesting. In the USA, we definitely take pisses, along with whizzes, leaks and what have you. I’m not sure why. Give would seem to be a more appropriate verb.

Speaking of slang, since pissed off means angry and pissed on means mistreated, maybe a little hostility is appropriate in a thread on this topic.

OK, another good reason not to go around poking additional holes in yourself.

I lost a friendship over this…

I visited a friend in Sweden and we got in a fight because he wanted me to sit down while pissing at his house. Unfortunately he did this while we were both a little drunk, so indignation met “king of the castle” and I haven’t spoken to him in 9 years…


My great grandfather’s assesment of his daughter’s fiancé was, “He probably pees sitting down.” Having heard this story all of my life I’ve always thought without a clear sense of why that sitting to pee isn’t what “manly” men do. When shortly after marrying him I discovered that my new husband sits to pee it was another notch in the con column.

I do both. If I’m wanting in and out quickly, I do it standing up whereas if I want to relax, I’ll just sit down.

I’m a guy and I’ve always found that when sitting(if I have to um number two)there’s a little bit of urine that doesn’t leave the body

Afterwards I always have to stand to finish it off

BTW That might be why women seem to have to visit the lady’s room more often than most guys…maybe it’s gravity helping things along