Does anyone else think Nancy Grace is kind of a dipshit?

Well, this Republican (capital “R” there, chum) detests, loathes and despises her - as do several of the most rabid right-wingers I know.

And as a somewhat useless aside, wouldn’t it be rather difficult for her to lie about the circumstances of her fiance’s murder if she didn’t do so KNOWINGLY? :wink:

Yet one more good reason to live in Japan.

I’m in Michigan and I consider Ohio to be southern. Their weather is entirely too hot for my tastes.

Why Turner decided to ruin Headline News is beyond me. I find Nancy Grace as well as the other talking heads there to be completely unwatchable. HN went from being one of my favorite channels to absolutely never being watched.

In my house we call her “that horse- faced bitch”. Although, as my husband points out, that’s not really fair to horses.

 She was an assistant DA in Atlanta many years ago, and she was notorious for wearing revealing clothes in court.  One local defense attorney actually filed a motion to compel her to dress appropriately during his trial.   The (old male) judge denied the motion.  She used to pull all kinds of crap in court that she would undoubtedly slam any defense attorney for- especially since, according to her, all defense attorneys are spawns of Satan.

Well, it’s south of Cleveland.

And in answer to the OP’s question in the thread title, yes.

I’m pretty sure Nancy is a plague on everyone’s house

House? House?

Yes, splendid idea! Drop a house on her! And while you’re at it, toss a bucket of water at Ann Coulter.

I haven’t watched Coulter of the East since she was on CourtTV. The comment she made that made me say “This bitch is a fucking idiot” was “If this guy thinks he’s getting off on an insanity plea, he’s crazy!” She said it with all the calm of an over-caffeinated soccer mom long off her psych meds.

The National Association for the Advancement of Harpies has offically protested Nancy Grace’s being implied to be a member of their ranks.

Yes, but would a strident siren or a strident nymph be better?

At least we can assume she’ll be taking a break for a while. If having twins at age 47 isn’t a high-risk pregnancy, I don’t know what is. I imagine she’ll have to take it easy.

Those poor children.

I don’t think she’s a dipshit … That’s far too nice of a term.

Closer. Although that’s still denigrating to rattlesnakes.

Trust me, we’re considering moving.

Screeching hag is a fair description of her and Ann Coulter both.

I like how she can flare her nostrils so easily



Its a targeting reflex, she had heat-sensitive pits in her nostrils. A lot of women, surprised by a mouse, will get all “girly”, she’ll strike and feed.

Dipshit is too kind. I think she’s a rabid psycho hosebeast. The Coultergeist may be more evil, but Grace is far more shrill.

(And I wish, wish, WISH that video clip had aired)

You all have exhausted the list of bad things about her. All I can add is that I watched her for about 5 or 10 minutes when she first aired and haven’t looked in on her garbage since.

Matthews isn’t a total dipshit on other programs of his but on Hardball I think he is. His guests on that show are mostly props for him to ask for input so he can talk over the end of their response.

That Daily Show clip was gold. Has she ever acknowledged that she was wrong since then or did she just go on like it never happened?

I would guess that a straight up murder would simply not garner the same attention as a missing person with a child left behind talking about his mother being “in” the rug. I doubt that Cutts was all that interesting, (he really did not start showing up prominently in news reports until about the third day of her disappearance), and if her body had been found in her bedroom, I doubt that the story would have made it out of the Canton-Cleveland corridor.

I’m waiting to hear that her secret spouse is really Ann Coulter.