Does anyone here actually use the "Ignore List?"

I don’t know about that. Even the people I have a passionate dislike for can be fascinating people when you get them off their soapbox. PITAs in GD turn into fellow fans in CS. So far I’ve found that even the total dickheads have redeeming features. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…

The first rule about Ignore List is you don’t talk about Ignore List.

I can’t believe I’m the first person to come up with that.

On a particularly cool blog I’ve lost track of, particularly annoying comments were “disemvoweled”. If you really wanted to read it, you could. Slowly. Mouthing the words to figure out which vowel went where. Otherwise, it looked like so much nonsensical typing, and you could skip it without a word or phrase jumping out at you.

In well moderated forums, I haven’t felt the need for using the Ignore list.

OTOH, there was a discussion about ignore lists on ENWorld a while back. I was rather surprised by the individuals who copped to having large ignore lists.
In UseNet, Killfiling people is a necessity. Unmoderated space quickly becomes filled with valueless trolls who wouldn’t get the time of day in real life and who have often been banned from every board they’ve ever belonged to.

In one particular Usenet area I frequent, there is a mentally ill man who uses it much like a blog or livejournal, posting many times a day about the most mundane or completely insane crap that no one cares about. Now if only killfiling software was developed enough to delete responses to his posts…

I’ve used it two or three times, every person I’ve ignored has since been banned or left, so I have little use for it.

I wonder if it would be helpful to posters to know whether or not they were on anyone’s ignore list? I know that if I knew I were on several people’s ignore lists, I would take a serious look at my posting style. For instance, if one asked a mod they could say “you are on the ignore list of 4 people” how could that be anything but helpful? Anyone trying to set a “high score” would probably get banned eventually anyways.

BTW, if a mod reads this, I’d like to know (if it can be known) how many ignore lists I happen to be on if any.

There’s probably a way to cull that from the database, but I don’t know it. It might take a custom program. If I had to make a guess at you, it would probably be about 66,375, and I only read you in the hopes of giving you a warning. :smiley:

I don’t agree that it would be helpful. I should think most people who wind up on ignore lists have already received plenty of open feedback.

There’s one person on mine, and I’ve never regretted not reading those posts.

I’ve had several people notify me by email that they had put me on their Ignore lists. I didn’t take a serious look at my posting style, since these people struck me as being irritable whackaloons, and I don’t feel particularly slighted if irritable whackaloons don’t like me.

Aw crap, I had it closer to 65,000. Must have been my post about puppy kicking.

Would it be harmful in any way?

Huh. I don’t see the point of that.

Had you any indication - on the board and in open, and without going into specifics - that these people had issues with you?

Aha! Thank to your help and our friend Google i found out that it’s “Tachy Goes to Coventry” and is a feature built into vBulletin. So I could be tachy’d right now and I wouldn’t even know it…


That’s just insane. Did they say, “Don’t reply because I’m ignoring yououououou!”

Nah. I just don’t agree that it would be helpful. Either you’re a loon or the people putting you on ignore are loons, and there’s no way to tell without names which ain’t gonna happen. Plus I don’t think it’s technically feasible.

You tell me how to do just the raw numbers with built-in vB software, and I’d be just as happy to do that via email as I am to tell people who ask me how many warnings they have via email.

With one exception, I didn’t know 'em from Adam. Still don’t. I am not exactly heartbroken that they claim to be ignoring me, since I never knew they existed in the first place. There is something very neener-neenerish about notifying someone that you intend to ignore her.

It would bug me to see a “you are ignoring this user” type message. I find it far more satisfying to see the screename and consciously, deliberately, not read whatever they posted.

Actually notifying someone I’m ignoring them? Boggles the mind with lameness.

The only time I’ve put anyone on ignore was after a filthy, blood-on-the-cielings argument in a Pit thread. I was so pissed by what the poster was saying that I cannot see their name without being angered all over again. I don’t know whether that poster is still here, or not. Nor do I care.

I didn’t even know there was one (an ignore list, that is).

I can’t imagine using such a thing. I have never been in or even lurked (and I lurk alot) in any threads where I have seen behavior that is worth ignoring. Perhaps on other message boards but not this one,

Hey dnooman - you are on my un-ignore list. Neener neener neener!!! I guess that probably means not a lot to anyone, but I found it funny…

As for the OP - actually, I never thought of any reason to use the ignore list, and after reading this thread, still don’t.

I’ve been sorely tempted on a couple of occasions.

I’ve actually gone as far as putting one person on my Ignore List, only to take them off about 5 minutes later. As others have said, it’s easier to just skim right over their post in a thread if they’re really that obnoxious.

And, as other have also said, I’ve been somewhat pleasantly surprised by people that I cannot stand in GD or The Pit, but who seem like ordinary folk in GQ, CS, MPSIMS, and IMHO.

I see no “ordinary folk”, here.