Doper Pet Picture Thread

Dolphin. I did call him back.
dwyr, my kitty is named Willow and is a tabby, too. I named her Willow because her paws looked like little pussywillows.

I don’t know how to post a picture, but here is a link to Pippin’s Dogster page:

His sister will soon have her page, as soon as I can convince husband to upload photos.

Im in ur box pretending to be a toaster. I can haz bread now?

Horton tangled up. He’s cute but this is the face we see most often from him when he’s not sleeping.

Trio of kitties - Mojo is the white one up top, Horton’s the scrawny one on the left, and Animal is the big hulking stripy one on the right. Animal’s a sexy beast.

Every single morning, Horton tries to break into the bedroom after he hears our alarm go off. From our side, we’ll just see a tiny paw shoved under the door.

Here are photos of our dog, Sienna.
in her sunny spot
probably my favorite photo of her
The rest of them are here if you’re interested.


video… Photo Storage | Photobucket

Katie (now the fully grown moody cat in the video)…

Some of you might remember my thread back in November about Ayla, the parvo puppy. Well, she’s bigger now, but still cute.

She’s also officially not a puppy any more, being 12 months old as of May 1st, but apparently didn’t get the memo. She regards Gryphon and Mesquite as chew toys rather than protecting them, as she should be. More than once we’ve had a saluki come in whining with an ‘anatolian tumor’ on his hock.

Come to think of it, her paws look like that too. She and her brother were foster kittens I kept for a while. One day at work the name Willow just suddenly popped into my head and I realized then that I was adopting her. (Wind in the Willows is one of my favorite books-I think that’s why I thought of it. The cat I adopted before her is named Piper.)

OMG I am in love with Freddie.

Blue (Bunny)

She’s sleepy

Dancing with the Daddy

Naptime. On mom’s robe.

The Doglet of Love.

Oreo, aka Oreobrat. She has developed a habit of always being somewhere high up ever since we acquired Snickers, aka Schnickerpops, because Snickers chases her. I keep telling her if she’d turn around and beat the crap out of the dog just one time like Luna (aka Lunabrat) does, the dog would leave her alone, but she doesn’t listen.

Guinea the Pig won’t have anything to do with any of them. Unless she’s sneaking up behind them to nip their tails.

This is my little Sunshine lovebird. She flew down out of a tree to me while I was walking Jasmine, the black-mouth curr mix.

This is Molly, my Supermodel cat. This is her brother, the hunky Punky. And this is Rio, the brat-cat, hiding in my delphiniums. Feel free to peruse the album for more.


You all have some amazing pets! Would anyone be fooled if I posted a picture of Uno as my beagle?

Kitty, my kitty . Doing kitty things.

Since I finally got the photos off my camera, kitties!!

Star on the cat tree (yeah, my sister hasn’t taken down the Christmas decorations yet. Not my fault)


No longer my kitties:
Stella in a box (for comparision Durga in the same box

And Salmon (not in a box)



Best Friends

I’m a parrot!




Pictures of the others who came before

You’re too close, daddy.


Even though I’m 16, I can still run the stairs all day long.

Well, maybe not all day.