Doper Pet Picture Thread

More, more, more! I love them all. Such cuties!

any excuse for pet pix!
the canine crew and me
that’s elsa, dax, rommel and rontue. i’m the blonde in the back. :stuck_out_tongue:

my darling departed murphy

itty bitty maggie, AKA speck, the wonder kitty

turk trying to stow away to hawaii

maggie all growed up

maggie helping me pack for a weekend getaway

chasing that darn mouse

maggie **definitely ** not ready for her closeup

cutie pie!


turk just hanging out.
didn’t see him until after i’d snapped the shot. i was taking a pic of everybody’s coats piled on my bed!

Well, ok, since all the COOL kids are posting…I’ll show off our rescued calico, Roxie.

Roxie, relaxing

Roxie, the vulturecat

Let sleeping cats and children lie

Ready for my close-up

We loves our kitteh. :smiley:

This is Dexter. He’s pretty much King of the Sylver household.

During Christmas, we couldn’t get him out from under the tree. It was his favorite place to lounge, so even when I got all the gifts wrapped, I left him a space to curl up.

He’s due for a haircut any day now, he just doesn’t know it yet.

and i thought my turk was magnificent…
sylver, you have the most beautiful cat i’ve ever seen!

lucky you! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am always up for a pet thread.

The Dogs



The Cats









The Turtle


I just got two new kittens, so I’m happy to share

Isydor angry at my bookshelf.

Izydor looking quite bengal and definately wild.

Izydor with his prey.

Izydor’s kitten, Vonnegut, sitting pretty

Vonnegut with his prey.

To the OP - you sure have an eye for photography! Thanks for the thread.

Here’s my Akira as a puppy with her first toy.

Another puppy pic.

Quite annoyed that I have disturbed her nap.

Watching Shrek.

I lost the upload cable for my camera or else I’d post more recent pics.