Felch (n.), Felching (vbl. n.)

NOT ME! Frankly, thats about the most difficult concept i have ever heard of!

think i’ll pass…

Will someone please explain to me why the impatience?

So did the OED ever get their definitions, I wonder? If not, do links to threads here count as references? :smiley:

I don’t have the book around right now, so I can’t quote it - but Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahnuik contains a description of exactly what felching entails. Which I actually found quite amusing, since I immediately thought of the SDMB - Palahnuik has always reminded me of Scylla, so it helped me entertain the fantasy that the two are in fact one and the same.

And in the case that they are… it wouldn’t be too much to sign my copy, would it, Scylla? :wink:

I can’t help but wonder if Felch, Michigan has a grand annual festival, perhaps one called Felch Days, at which they crown a Felch King and Felch Queen.

? Or perhaps “felchic” or “felchand?” In Canada maybe “felchaux”?
[sub] Did I really hit “submit”?[/sub]

Well, as I’m the expert here <rolls back on heels, looks impressive> I’d say that Felch doesn’t have enough of a population to have Felch Days. It’s really just a wide spot in the road. Of course, they might have a parade down Hwy 69, or Creamery Street. I wouldn’t doubt it, they’re a feisty bunch.