Floating white particles in my tap water

We use well water where I live here in Pennsylvania. I’ve recently been finding the white particles in my water, also. It does seem to only appear when I freeze it. We definitely have hard water here, but our new refrigerator has a filter built in it, and we also have a water filter in the basement. So, even though the water is being filtered by 2 filters, I’m still finding the white stuff. Is this for the same reason as the city tap water? Because of the calcium? I like my water real cold, so I like to freeze it for the convenience of taking it with me when I leave the house, but at this point, I’m not so sure I want to drink it at all. I’ve seen what this hard water does to my dishes, sinks, and bathtubs. It’s not pretty! I hate to think of what it may be doing inside my body.

Actually, it’s probably not doing your body any harm and may in fact be more healthy for you.

According to the National Institute of Health, hard water has no known adverse health effects. Your body has protection mechanisms built into your intestines which prevent you from ingesting too much calcium, so you don’t need to worry about that. On the other hand, the NIH notes that drinking water that is high in both magnesium and sulfates can have a bit of a laxative effect. High calcium levels in your drinking water may also contribute to the formation of some types of kidney stones, so if you are prone to calcium oxalate stones (like I am) you might want to avoid drinking hard water that has high levels of calcium compounds.

So, as long as it’s not giving you the squirts and you’re not prone to kidney stones, it’s probably not doing anything bad to you.

In fact, hard water is thought to possibly protect you somewhat from cardiovascular disease and some types of cancers, but this is far from proven at this point

More info here:

Potential Health Impacts of Hard Water